Manbreak - Wasted Lyrics

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Artist: Manbreak
Song Title: Wasted
Visits: 689
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I get high on pesticide, you won't die cause it tastes all right, it's not
the thought of it, it's just the look of it so sell me something I don't
need. You can change but it still remains empty homes on a cardboard face.
It's not the politic, that's just a bad of tricks so tell me something that
I don't know.

lie down we're all wasted keeping me out but I can't change it, lie down
we're all wasted, keeping me out but I can't change it.

I get tolled on a free range road, open day on a fast rood roll, it's on
the back of it the list of additives that keep you moving until you stop,
look out

lie down we're all wasted keeping me out but I can't change it, lie down
we're all wasted, keeping me out but I can't change it.

my life so uneventful, everything is just a waste of time, my life so
uneventful, everything you see has got to be denied.

lie down we're all wasted keeping me out but I can't change it, lie down
we're all wasted, keeping me out but I can't change it

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