Mandalay - Insenible Lyrics

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Artist: Mandalay
Mandalay Author
Song Title: Insenible
Visits: 646
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I pulled a loose thread
I gathered you in
Discovered I could
A pivot for your sun

You invited me in
As if it's nothing
We tread on old ground
As if it's nothing now

It's like I hardly see the sky some days
It's like you hardly said a word
It's like I hardly see the sky somedays
And i'd do better if I turned my head
Knowing you did

I wouldn't be here
If you could have said no
I wouldn't have come here
If ever I had known

It's like I hardly see the sky somedays
It's like you hardly said a word
It's like I hardly see the sky somedays
And I'd do better if I turned my head
Knowing you did

Knowing you called
Knowing you held her
Knowing you kissed
Knowing you did all this

It's like I hardly see the sky some days
It's like you hardly said a word
It's like I hardly see the sky somedays
And I'd do better if I turned my head
Knowing you did.

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