ManDown - Under The Skin Lyrics

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Artist: ManDown
Song Title: Under The Skin
Visits: 704
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The government like to say, we're multicultural, But still they hold a prejudice, that segregates our world, Laws for equal rights, what difference have they made? Our coloured population, still unemployed again.

A fascist group of power, A white man's club elite, Not a single ounce of colour to renew this extinct sheet. This disgrace has a name and it aint the KKK, But instead the US senate, they dont see the light of day.

Egocentric terroists, another toxic plague, Right wing fundamentalists, destroy what we've made, Dont wave their flag or pledge an alleigance, Take a stand and hold your ground, it's time to make a change.

A fascist group of power, A white man's club elite, Not a single ounce of colour to renew this extinct sheet. This disgrace has a name and it aint the KKK, But instead the US senate, they dont see the light of day.

It's all under the skin, It's all under the skin!

A fascist group of power, A white man's club elite, Not a single ounce of colour to renew this extinct sheet. This disgrace has a name and it aint the KKK, But instead the US senate, they dont see the light of day.

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Other ManDown song Lyrics
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    It's all the small things that I hate, Cant stand all that junk, With that new the middle of nowhere
    And then on top of that you've got to be P.C., With every man hater tearing you down, And all the nay sayers who fight for everything, And those buzzwords that make you punk
    It's all the small things that I hate, Cant stand all that junk, With that new the middle of nowhere..."
  • American Anthem
    "Walking through our streets, A stench of greed, watch their sin, A small price for trigger happy cities. Deceptions the key, Tease your mind, new perception. The patriot is what you see, the patriot is their show!
    Take down the American dream, Take down the American dream, A chase for freedom, that freedom's lost
    Here to protect! but who protects from them? I dont make the law, I just enforce it, But then the untouchable is touched, Bring us together, bring us our guns. Changes can be made, so bring on the masses! Bring on the masses!
    Take down the American dream, Take down the American dream, A chase for freedom, that freedom's lost..."
  • Bullshit Politicians
    "The government thinks that its right, to run our country based on lies, money not spent on health-care, instead on destroying lives... It once was said we had a choice, But now been undone, But they can never take our voice, So stand up and fight.
    Do we have a choice, With our bullshit politicians, We march on to raise our voices, But do they listen?
    A supposed democracy, do we even have a hope? Children of their hypocricy, on their twisted lies we choke. These lies wont hold no truth to me, blinded by the pistol smoke, land of hope and glory? hell no!
    Do we have a choice, With our bullshit politicians, We march on to raise our voices, But do they listen?..."
  • Daylight Robery
    "Hospitals run into the ground, Public transport gets you no where fast! Where does the money go? Why do we have nothing to show for it?
    We wont pay it! A golden lining for the fat cats sodomy, You dont need it! Our elected leader making DAYLIGHT ROBERY!
    We wont pay it! A golden lining for the fat cats sodomy, You dont need it! Our elected leader making DAYLIGHT ROBERY!

  • Dice
    "Early Saturday morning he stumbles home, Empty pockets, his work never shows, Every friday night he roles the dice, Gambles all his money and his life.
    He knows who he is when he rolls the dice but when the dice rolls him he's got nothing but ice under his feet!
    That feeling drops like a dead weight, He never feels complete in this sharade, But when he's got the chance he cant say no, That life he leads will always leave him low.
    He knows who he is when he rolls the dice but when the dice rolls him he's got nothing but ice under his feet!..."
  • Man Down
    "A mentallity that breaks all civil bonds. People will spread a hate that forgets that we're all from...The same human race with qualities a like, All division brings disorder with no sight.
    Forget the looks, Forget the names, Forget the past, We're all the same!
    Show that we have freedom in opinion...
    We've got a man down! whoah oh oh, We've got a man down! whoah oh oh, No one is on their own, nobodys left behind, Man Down! whoah oh oh whoah oh..."
  • Not Ready
    "Walking the streets just on my own, But conflict is in my mind, Wish knowledge was bliss, my mind cant keep up, My opinion I cant find.
    The time is now and I'm not ready to go, I am unmoved still I cant be forced to go
    I stand still but my thought still move on, I am unmoved in my heart and in my soul
    Still pushing on, a jungle stand still, So many things left undone, I do it to myself, just a product, Peoples ideas that I cant shun...."
  • We Are The Future
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    We are the future! We are the furtue!
    Living fast your life runs past you'll never take it in, You'll wish away your life one day and that's your fatal sin, It's not all to do with what your body, thinks it wants, Think a bit and you will see where I'm coming from.
    Mindlessness is not an option, so think of others, But dont always follow suit, make a choice, Just slow down and think of, a bigger picture! Not just now but all the time of our world's future, And how it's your waste...."
  • ...Show All

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