MANFRED MANNS EARTH BAND - Lies (All Through The 80s) Lyrics

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Song Title: Lies (All Through The 80s)
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We're all gonna live out the Hollywood dream
Everything's gonna be just what it seems
Gonna find a better way to run our cars
All through the Eighties
'Cause the race is on, we're gonna land on Mars
All through the Eighties
The Video Screen will open up the door
All through the Eighties
Information - there'll be more and more
All through the Eighties
Will the man on the street finally know the score

But I saw a kid with no smile on his face today
Where is my place in this bright future, I heard him say
I've lost my hope there isn't anywhere to play
(Pull up the trees and put up a parking lot)

The play's been written we'll all be in the cast
All through the Eighties
And our feet are gonna point away from the past
All through the Eighties
Will supersonic travel be our ticket to ride
We'll have cruise missiles, they think as they fly

But I saw a kid with no smile on his face today
Where is my place in this bright future, I heard him say
I've lost my hope there isn't anywhere to play
(Pull up the trees and put up a parking lot)

Time will go and the years fly by
All through the Eighties
And we'll have another slice of American Pie
All through the Eighties
Credit card living, push button cash
All through the Eighties
We'll pay our money and we'll take our trash
All through the Eighties
And another generation will "Talk about their Generation"

But I saw a kid with no smile on his face today
Where is my place in this bright future, I heard him say
I've lost my hope there isn't anywhere to play
(Pull up the trees and put up a parking lot)
I saw a kid with no smile on his face

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