Manhattan Transfer - Body Soul Lyrics

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Artist: Manhattan Transfer
Song Title: Body Soul
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Dont you know, he was the king of saxophones

Yes indeed he was;

Talkin bout the guy that made it sound so good

Some people knew him by the bean

But hawkins was his name

He sure could swing and play pretty too

Sounds good to me -- should sound good to you

I love to hear him playing body and soul

Very pleasing to the ear

When I first heard it on the record

I just stopped-- right there,

Sounded like a band of angels in the sky,

And I have never ever heard a sweeter tone

I fact I pay no ttention to the saxophone

til coleman hawkins came along and spoke to everyone --

Saying better listen wont you hear me,

While I play for you --

Sometimes its hot

Then again its blue

My soul just seems to wander,

Pleasing each and everyone --

Its what Ive long been craving for

The doors have not been always open,

But I am trying to please you.

Please dont stop me.

Hope you like it folks

And then he started cookin --

Everytime he played

Some melodic melody fast or slow

You could tell that it was hawkins --

No other one ever has

Quite captured his tone

Just he alone --

Has the sound that penetrates

It will sure go right through you

Yes it will --

And every chorus gives you just another thrill

Then along came eddie jefferson

He sang the melody like hawkins played it

He sang it true

He sang it blue

Made words for it too

All his fans in new york loved him

Theres no one above him

Here in the usa

Ive heard em say ol eddie was the man

Oh how he could sing

Man did he swing

Sang on the wing, did his own thing

Yes he did

Throughout the country --

Music lovers are still wiggin on eddies singin

All around the world -- he is known

Rhythm was his special joy --

He swung it like a horn

He must have been born to be a singer

cause his lyrics were so sincere and true

Funny sad or blue

Oh yeah!

And weve got to remind you

Many years it took him

Singing every day to achieve his first claim to fame

He was twenty years ahead of his time

And he knew it

But he kept right on-a singing

He went all around the world making rhythm

cause music sure was in him and he knew it was

Sang with moody and richie cole

He could sing it just like bird

But his forte was the words he wrote to

Music that he sang

So he sang, and he sang

And he sang his words so clever

And I know theyll silence him never

cause he cut this masterpiece

And now were trying to sing it for you

Hope the bean and eddie both would still approve

There we go

We didnt mean to reminisce

You can surely bet

That we wont forget

cause we hear them yet


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