Manhattan Transfer - Oh Yes, I Remember Clifford Lyrics
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Oh Yes, I Remember Clifford Song Lyrics
Manhattan Transfer
Song Title:
Oh Yes, I Remember Clifford
Print Version
I know he'll never be forgotten
Long as there's still sound
He was a king uncrowned
Not all kings are given crowns
I know I'll always remember
The warmth
All his warmth
Of his sound
Was in his sound
Lingers so long I'm sure he's still around
Still around -------------Those who've heard
For all those who've heard
Truly, they repeat him yet
Even yet
So those who hear won't forget
And the ever-present sound
That abounds in his praise
Echos throughout the universe
For endless spans of time uncountable
By days
The pretty little piquant passages
Clifford played
They are with us now
And I'm positive that they will endure
Should time and sacred circumstance allow
Yes, they'll live forever
Oh, yes, I remember Clifford now
Seems I always feel that Clifford's spirit's
Hangin' roun' me somehow
We remember
Each and every single day
I hear his lovely trumpet tone
Such exquisite singing
In every horn that seems to have a sound
That's all its own
So somebody tell me how
How can we ever day for certain
Someone that played
Like Clifford Brown could play
Could really be said to have gone away
I only know that I hear him now
And I believe that I always will
You've got to believe
I remember Clifford still, yes I hear him still
I know he'll never be forgotten
He was a king uncrowned
I know I'll always remember
'Member Clifford Brown
I'll always remember Clifford Brown
Oh Yes, I Remember Clifford Lyrics
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if you want to see other song lyrics from "Vocalese" album, click "
Manhattan Transfer Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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