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Mommys Little Cholo (Mommys Little Monster) Song Lyrics
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mommy's little cholo dropped out of school
drinking 40 ouncers and smoking a dozen bowls
he loves to go out crusing with his homeboys,
he loves to go out and make some noise
he doesn't wanna be a gardnerer
or a dude diggin' in a ditch
he's 20 years old never had a job,
and the wellfare pays his rent
his brothers in the pita
and his sisters on paro
his parents say mijo,
we're praying for your soul
he's mommys little cholo,
he's not afraid to admit it
he's mommyas little cholo,
dont wake him in a fit
mommys little chola shoots methadrine,
momys little chola had sex at 15
all the homegirls thinks she's cool,
shes gonna go out to beauty school
she has no problem with he vatos in the bed
she's got a homeboy his names little ben,
he knocked her up before he went to jail
and shes got no money for his bail
her eyes were like a racoon
she wasn't born with a silver spoon,
hair sprayed up to the sky,
teardrop tattoo under her eye
she's mommy's little chola,
she's mommy's little chola,
she's mommy's little chola,
dont take her life away
her eyes were like a racoon
she wasn't born with a silver spoon,
hair sprayed up to the sky,
teardrop tattoo under her eye
she's mommy's little chola,
she's mommy's little chola,
she's mommy's little chola,
dont take her life away
she's mommy's little chola [x4]
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