Manoevres in the Dark - So in Love Lyrics

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Artist: Manoevres in the Dark
Song Title: So in Love
Visits: 590
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Secret - secret -
I've got a secret and I can't explain

all the time I've waited for this day.
All along I was never in doubt
I always knew it would never get out.
There are things that I cannot tell

and there are things that you know damn well.
This is getting very hard for me

I guess you'd better just wait and see.

This is all - this is all - secret -
you heard a message and the message was clear

all the time you wipe away that tear.
All I want is to hold your hand
to see the sun and walk the sand.
You make me sad and you make me glad

and now you see all my secret is this love
is love
is love.
My secret is this love.

Ev'ryday you're always there

you comfort me and make me feel it's worth my while.
and then I look around and you're not there

and ev'ryday you say you care and I'll beware.

Secret - this is all - this is all -
I've got a secret and I can't explain - this is all - secret -
All I want is to hold your hand - this is all -
All along I was never in doubt - this is all - secret -
to see the sun and to walk the sand - this is all - secret -
I've got a secret and I can't explain - this is all - secret.

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    Don't look at me..."
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