Manowar - The Master of the Wind Lyrics

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Artist: Manowar
Manowar Author
Song Title: The Master of the Wind
Visits: 580
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In the beginning there was silence and darkness
All across the earth
Then came the wind and a hole in the sky
Thunder and lightning came crashing down
Hit the earth and split the ground
Fire burned high in the sky

From down below fire melted the stone
The ground shook and started to pound

The gods made heavy metal and they saw that is was good
They said to play it louder than Hell
We promised that we would
When losers say it's over with you know that it's a lie
The gods made heavy metal and it's never gonna die

We are the true believers
It's our turn to show the world
In the fire of heavy metal we were burned
It's more than our religion it's the only way to live
But the enemies of metal we can't forgive

Cause we believe in the power and the might
And the gods who made metal are with us tonight

The gods made heavy metal and they saw that is was good
They said to play it louder than Hell
We promised that we would
When losers say it's over with you know that it's a lie
The gods made heavy metal and it's never gonna die

We believe in the power and the might
And the gods who made metal are with us tonight

We're here tonight for heavy metal are you ready in the hall
They have chosen us and we have heard the call
Gonna tear the roof off with our sound

Crack the walls and shake the ground
Fight tonight for metal one and all

Cause we believe in the power and the might
And the gods who made metal are with us tonight

The gods made heavy metal and they saw that is was good
They said to play it louder than Hell
We promised that we would
When losers say it's over with you know that it's a lie-acapo

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Other Manowar song Lyrics
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  • Metal Daze
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    It always comes from me
    Your daddy said that drink is
    Is not yours for the free..."
  • Shell Shock
    "I don't know
    Well, there's no charge for the haircut
    And the bullets come free
    He's got a mission for me..."
  • Manowar
    "We met on English ground
    In a backstage room
    We heard the sound
    And we all knew..."
  • Dark Avenger
    "He broke the laws of the elders
    So they blocked out his eye,
    Took his land and fortune,
    Left him to die..."
  • Battle Hymn
    "Battle hymmns did sound the call.
    You came to our side.
    You heard true metal-into glory
  • Warlord
    "When you see me comin' flying down the road
    You know I ain't afraid to lay it down
    Yea got me some leather. Leather is my skin
    Black'n'chrome flashin' through the town...."

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