Mans Ruin - Cider Woman Lyrics

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Artist: Mans Ruin
Song Title: Cider Woman
Visits: 687
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Here she comes stumbling down the street.
Glaring at anyone she doesnt want to meet.
With a cider in one hand and a stick in the other.
You better stay clear unless youre her brother.

Shes tanked, Shes blitzed, Shes drunk, Shes licked.
Shell scream, Shell fight, Shell swing, Shell bite.

Cider Woman. Cider Woman.
You see her coming, you better start running.
Cider Woman. Cider Woman.
Some say, she looks a lot like me.

There she goes with that look in her eyes.
She doesnt care if she makes you cry.
Shell break your nose without a care.
Shell smash your face, if you choose to dare.

Shes tanked, Shes blitzed, Shes drunk, Shes licked.
Shell scream, Shell fight, Shell swing, Shell bite.

Cider Woman. Cider Woman.
You see her coming, youd better start running.
Cider Woman. Cider Woman.
Some say, she looks a lot like me.

Here she comes stumbling down the street.
Glaring at anyone she doesnt want to meet.
With a cider in one hand and a stick in the other.
You better stay clear unless youre her brother.

(instrumental break)

[One! Two! Three! Four!]
There she goes with that look in her eye.
She doesnt care if she makes you cry.
Shell break your nose without a care.
Shell smash your face if you choose to dare.

Shes tanked, Shes blitzed, Shes drunk, Shes licked.
Shell scream, Shell fight, Shell swing, Shell bite.

Cider Woman. Cider Woman.
You see her coming, you better start running.
Cider Woman. Cider Woman.
You see her coming, you better start running.
Cider Woman. Cider Woman.
You see her coming, you better start running.
Cider Woman. ,...
She looks a lot like me.

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