Manson Marilyn - Slutgarden Lyrics

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Artist: Manson Marilyn
Manson Marilyn Author
Album: The Golden Age Of Grotesque (2003)
Manson Marilyn - The Golden Age Of Grotesque Album
Song Title: Slutgarden
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 657
Print Version

I'll pretend that I want you for what is on the inside
But when I get inside I'll just want to get out
I'm your first and last deposit through sickness and in hell
I'll never you promise you a garden, you'll just water me down

I can't believe that you are for real
I don't care as long as you're mine

When I said "we" you know I meant "me"
And when I said "sweet" I meant "dirty"
When I said "we" you know I meant "me"
And when I said "sweet" I meant "dirty"

I'm unsafe
I'm unsafe
I won't regret
So I memorize the words to the porno movies
It's the only thing I want to believe
I memorize the words to the porno movies
This is a new religion to me
I'm a VCR funeral, a definite waste
My smile's a chainlink fence, that I have put up
I love the enemy, my love is the enemy
They say they don't want fame
But they get famous when we fuck

When I said "we" you know I meant "me"
And when I said "sweet" I meant "dirty"
When I said "we" you know I meant "me"
And when I said "sweet" I meant "dirty"

I'm unsafe
I'm unsafe
I won't regret
So I memorize the words to the porno movies
It's the only thing I want to believe
I memorize the words to the porno movies
This is a new religion to me

I never believed the devil was real
But God couldn't make someone filthy as you

When I said "we" you know I meant "me"
And when I said "sweet" I meant "dirty"
When I said "we" you know I meant "me"
And when I said "sweet" I meant "dirty"
When I said "we" you know I meant "me"
And when I said "sweet" I meant "dirty"
When I said "we" you know I meant "me"
And when I said "sweet" I meant "dirty"

You are the church, and I am the steeple
When we fuck, we are all God's people
You are the church, and I am the steeple
When we fuck, we are all God's people

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  • Lunchbox
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    the big bully try to stick his finger in my chest
    try to tell me, tell me he's the best
    but I don't really give a good goddamn cause..."
  • Organ Grinder
    "I am the face of piss and shit and sugar
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  • Cyclops
    "cyclops woman got one eye in her head
    mascera clotted vision she is fed
    cyclops woman can't see nothing at all
    she got a pin-prick-spiral hole..."
  • Dope Hat
    "I peek into the hole, I struggle for control
    the children love the show
    but they fail to see the anguish in my eyes
    fail to see the anguish in my eyes..."
  • Get Your Gunn
    "goddamn your righteous hand
    I eat innocent meat
    the housewife I will beat
    the prolife I will kill..."
  • Wrapped In Plastic
    "guilt is a snake we beat with a rake
    to grow in our kitchen in the pies we bake
    feed it to us to squirm in our bellies
    twisting our guts make our spines to jelly..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Golden Age Of Grotesque" album, click "Manson Marilyn Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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