Manticora - Reversed Lyrics

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Artist: Manticora
Manticora Author
Album: Hyperion (2002)
Manticora - Hyperion Album
Song Title: Reversed
Genre: Metal
Visits: 576
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["The loss of a day, through the length of a night"]

Come child join me, now thatthe whiskey
Has turned me into another man
We'll talk and we'll laugh like old times
And we'll try to understand

As I see your face, pale and terrified
It's a nightmare coming true
And believe me daughter , everyday
It's a new you I'm talking to

Old Scholar - man of wisdom
Take your daughter to Hyperion
Now, don't hesitate to come
Put a dagger into her heart
- let her spirit fly to the sun
Let her spirit fly to the sun

How my God can this be true
And why, did it happen to you
Why do I have to stand helpless by
To relive your life too

I come to find upright in bed
To remenber all the tears we have shed
Don't tell me, coz' I already know
I'll let you cry for the twentieth night in a row

I remember you smilling in the sun
I recall everything you and I have done
To relive it everyday is too hard for me
Welcome back little one

I won't hold you back
I won't stand between you and destiny
There were times when I ignored all the signs I was given
But now I have to let go and set you free

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  • Nowhere Land
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  • The Flood
    "to fight their holy war in
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    They take a sadistic delight of destroying
    In a world of coercive power and might..."
  • Pale Faces
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    The season drew the pupils in my eyes
    When the water turned to blood
    It turned my guilt into the lies..."
  • Private Hell
    "Standing up - I'm looking down
    at the ground below
    Can't change my situation
    by execution..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Hyperion" album, click "Manticora Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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