Manuel Cervantes - Lithia Sagradi Lyrics

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Artist: Manuel Cervantes
Song Title: Lithia Sagradi
Visits: 590
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The stains of mud
beyond his nails
of the risk he never climbed
for the roses that dried
and the candles that melted
her eyes could tell a thousand lies

soon the crows were talking
the mistakes he made
in no time the mumbling
was what they say
"take your time
to enjoy your time alone"
She held my hands
but her eyes could tell a thousand lies

He'll scratch the floor
for better times
that everyone cried
And if you can't see
I'll give you my eyes
For every time you look away
I know you are not blind

They repeat those words
from their trembling vocal chords
"take your time
to enjoy your time alone"
they remember when I
used to haunt everyone
who were after your beliefs

and every whisper ther collect
with every sin your light reflects
I see you denying
the gifts of my effect
and if you can't see
I'll give you my eyes
for every time you look away
I know you are not blind

Shook their wings
they never thought they could be a part of this
soon they were talking
the mistakes he made
More like a symptom
More like a chapter
More like a decadence of their rings

But they didn't know
they'll never know
the facts of my decay
they do know the scent
of the failure fo my debt

He'll scratch the floor
for better times
that everyone cried
And if you can't see
I'll give you my eyes
For every time you look away
I know you are not blind

The possesions are now gone
the letters are now done
for every shot she fired
for every thrown black stone

Y si no puedes verlo
Arrancar? mis ojos
y te los dar?
cegando mi vida
para alegrar la tuya
Pro que amo tu persona
y desprecio tu humanidad

He'll scratch the floor
For better times
that everyone cried

She can her this now
She can
She can spy us now
She can
She may cry for us
She could
But she'll never feel like Kirad did
She never would

The stains of mud
beyond his nails
of the risk he never climbed
for the roses that dried
and the candles that melted
her eyes could tell a thousand lies

And if you can't see
I'll give you my eyes
He'll hush for now
Until better days
It won't matter now

But there are sounds in her coffin now
Made of a silk confession
I hear them whisper
and falter loud

She never would...

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    it's just copper
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