Manuel Ortega - Say A Word Lyrics

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Artist: Manuel Ortega
Song Title: Say A Word
Visits: 578
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I can be the sunshine today
I'll be there to help you go on your way
I can be the sweet moonlight
I'll be there to guide you through the night

I can keep you warm in the rain
I'll be there to make you so happy again
There's no broken heart I can't mend
It is really easy and you will understand

Say a word and I'll be there
Say a word and I'll be there
Say a word and I'll be there
Say a word and I will care

Say a word and I'll be there
Say a word and I'll be there
Say a word and I'll be there
Say a word and I will care

If you're feeling lost and alone
I'll be there to help you carry on
If you're feeling blue and you need a friend
I'll be there to give you a helping hand

If you feel like losing your pride
I'll be there to give you a place where to hide
If you feel your life just goes wrong
I'll be there if you need someone to lean on

Say a word and I'll be there
Say a word and I'll be there
Say a word and I'll be there
Say a word and I will care

Say a word and I'll be there
Say a word and I'll be there
Say a word and I'll be there
Say a word and I will care

Life will be better
So open up your eyes now
Life will be better
We can stand together as one

Life will be better
Together we will change the whole world
Life will be better
Ooh, yeah, yeah

Say a word and I'll be there
I will take care of you
Say a word and I will care
Of course, I will be there

Say a word and I'll be there
Listen what I say
Say a word and I will care
I'll be there for you

Say a word and I'll be there-

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