Marble Arch - Dead Air Lyrics

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Artist: Marble Arch
Song Title: Dead Air
Visits: 648
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Again I sense this devil near my ear
As every time my self-esteem's neglecting fear
He speaks a language of used and broken hearts
Of loneliness and of hate that seldom flows apart
But I still believe that time will tell someday
Why frozen dreams never melt by the bliss in your heart
But every single tiny touch pressures me
To kneel for an uncertainty so real
So I left again the scene where unity feels singular
and where demons scheme in my plagued haunted dreams
And I hide my eyes so that you can't see how I fight
These vivid plans which are blocking sight for me
But I still believe that time will tell someday
Why frozen dreams never melt by the bliss in your heart
But every single tiny touch pressures me
To kneel for an uncertainty so real
I know these moments soon will pass
Like caravans of doubt like the morning chill
When dignity feels like nothing and when every tear is freezing
Then you drag me out from the dark dead air that only I am breathing
But I still believe that time will tell someday
Why frozen dreams never melt by the bliss in your heart
But every single tiny touch pressures me
To kneel for an uncertainty so real

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Other Marble Arch song Lyrics
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    Some things always stay the same"
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  • For Real
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    ...and so again, the taste of blood on my tongue..."
  • Last Day Ever
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    This; my last day, my life's flashing before my eyes,
    when the panics kicks in
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  • Not The Ones
    "It's his way to tell himself it's alright
    It's her day to tell herself it's not right
    All the moments burn and the faces turn
    He can't bring it all back..."
  • Silent Dance
    "You've been here, around for aeons
    You try to feel the pulse but you're not breathing
    Streetlights shine through the blinds
    Your try to make a move, it's not succeeding..."
  • Sudden Showers
    "What if life turns to you
    And breaks the unshaped fake illusions you call solutions
    What if strength beckons me
    To release the hidden danger of fallen angels..."
  • ...Show All

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