Marc Cohn - Medicine Man Lyrics
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Marc Cohn Singer Lyrics
Medicine Man Song Lyrics
Marc Cohn
The Rainy Season (0)
Song Title:
Medicine Man
Print Version
Lately he can feel it
Turning off inside his heart
She's calling him from the car phone
And she's falling apart
Now he could call in her prescription
And they will take it down off the shelf
But he knows that he can't save her from herself no more
No more
And you can ride home in the country doctor
And you might do the best that you can
But who is gonna help the medicine man
Who is gonna save him?
Now he always was a healer
There was something in his eyes
And his hand upon your head
When fever started to rise
And there's someone he lost long ago
Now there's flowers on her grave
And they say that it's still her
That he's trying to save
He's trying to save her
And you can ride home in the country doctor
And you might do the best that you can
But who is gonna help the medicine man
Who is gonna save the medicine man?
Who is gonna save him?
Who is gonna save him?
Later on in the evening
When the sun goes sinking down
He goes out for a walk
Along the sound
And he thinks he can hear her
Calling him away
But he tells her he must wait
Another day
Wait another day
Medicine Man Lyrics
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Other Marc Cohn song Lyrics
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"Put on my blue suede shows and I
Boarded the plane
Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues
Middle of the pouring rain..."
Walk Through the World
"I'm writing you this letter from some old hotel
I can feel the distance between us
From the Spanish Steps to the Liberty Bell
I know the angels have seen us......"
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"My father was a working man
But his work was never done
He stood behind a counter
And he smiled at everyone..."
Mamas In The Moon
"Dogs are barking and she's so high, she's never coming down.
Don't wanna pull the shade tonight, I think I'm wanna drown.
I'm sending out a message, or could I die too soon?
'Cause I don't know where I'm going,..."
Dont Talk To Her At Night
"Dont talk to her when shooting stars are falling
Dont talk to her when she can smell the jasmine in the air
Dont talk to her when no one knows youre calling
You might just say the words that keep her waiting there..."
Paper Walls
"Well, I had just checked in when the sun came up
After ten hours on the bus.
I was staring at the stains on the ceiling, baby,
Trying not to think about us...."
From The Station
"I can see you with the top down
In that car you keep under the eaves
I can see the ocean wind blow
Through your hair..."
Baby King
"Baby King
Baby King
You got to get ready for a baby king
You might dance daddy..."
...Show All
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Marc Cohn Singer
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