Marcia Hines - Trilogy Lyrics

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Artist: Marcia Hines
Song Title: Trilogy
Visits: 864
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Sadness is just another way of life
That I've grown accustomed to by now
I close my eyes on my empty wor-or-orld
And I'm with you once more...

Sadness is just another hear-eartache
Madness is not that far behind
I close the door on my empty wor-or-orld
And I'm with you once more...

In every dream I dream, I dream of you
And every song I sing, I sing for you
To get me through another day
When you're with her, far away-ay-ay

But time is such a fleeting fragile thing
You turn around and life is gone
So I must take you i-in my arms
And leave with you-ou

While there's still time for love
(Time for love)
While there's still ti-ime for lo-o-ove
(Time for love)
While there's still time for love...

Sadness is just another way of life
That I've grown accustomed to
By now-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow
I close my eyes on my empty wor-or-orld
And I'm with you-ou-ou-ou
I dream I'm with you-ou-ou
And I'm with you once more-ore...
Oh-oh-oh, once more-ore-ore...

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Other Marcia Hines song Lyrics
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  • Change
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    And I can feel a change a-comin', there's of wave of calm washin' over me
    I can feel a change in your touch, in your eyes, they say so much
    Time has come to let your feelings show, whatever's goin' down I still love you so..."
  • Fire And Rain
    "Just yesterday morning they let me know you were go-one
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    I walked out this morning and I wrote down a song
    I just can't remember who to send it to..."
  • I Just Dont Know What To Do With Myself
    "I just dont know what to do-oo with myself
    Just don't know what to do-oo with myself
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    Pla-anning everything for two..."
  • Love Is Blue
    "I can sing a rainbow, I can sing a rainbow too
    Blue, blue, my world is blue
    Blue is my world now I'm without you
    Grey, oh grey, my life is grey..."
  • Shining
    "You played around too long with my lo-ove
    Now why won't you set me free
    I'm beggin' you baby
    I'm just a paw-awn in your game of love..."
  • Whatever Goes Around
    "Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh...ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
    I-I can't see the tears from the rain
    And your eyes can not hide the pain
    I-I don't mind bein' by your si-ide..."
  • You
    "Good evening Adelaide, how ya feelin'? - Alright!
    On behalf of the band and myself, we'd like to say welcome.
    As you know we've got a brand new album out.
    This is my brand new single off the album, 'Ladies and Gentlemen - Marcia Hines'..."
  • ...Show All

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