Marduk - Bloodtide (XXX) Lyrics

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Artist: Marduk
Marduk Author
Album: Nightwing (1998)
Marduk - Nightwing Album
Song Title: Bloodtide (XXX)
Genre: Metal
Visits: 602
Print Version

Wings of the night
Has turned light into shadows
And through the deep forest
Only the mist prevails
Carried forth by the whispering wind
And in a glade of the deepest part of the forest
The black pounding heart of a thousands peoples fear
Thirteen figures perform the most obscure dance
Around an altar of stone while the eye of Satan
Beholds from its high seat in the starless sky
Dark eyes stares with carnal bloodlust at the fettered virgins helpless
Claws and teeth shall desecrate the temple of her soul and pierce the
with her cries
The sacred blood of god's creation flow
As the eyes of the creatures woefully glow
As gleaming red as the hair of the beasts
Dreadful shadows plunges through the veils of the mist at their
Claws and teeth shall desecrate the temple of her soul and force her
beyond the gates
Of black divinity
The sacred blood of gods creation drips
And run down the throats of the creatures who from open vein sips
And the moon glows - as pale as the skin of the beasts
Three crosses breaks her skin
A soul for Satan to win
Three crosses for the price of blood
That so triumphantly brought death to the son of god
Three crosses for the breed of Cain
That throughout time in blood will reign
Three crosses for the abomination from Nod
Who so fiercly drank his brothers blood
Three crosses for the breathren of Judas
All praise the black deity
So fearsome great and mighty
Mark our spirits with thine blessing dark divine
And through our eyes you powers all will shine
Upon the forthcoming millenium
The sacred blood of gods creation is gone
And her soul is now in the hands of the horned one
Who laughs as bloodfreezing as the gaze in the eyes of the beasts
Three crosses breaks her skin
A soul for Satan to win
Three crosses for the price of blood
That so triumphantly brought death to the son of god
Three crosses for the breed of Cain
That throughout time in blood will reign
Three crosses for the abomination from Nod
Who so fiercly drank his brothers blood
Three crosses...

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Other Marduk song Lyrics
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  • Within The Abyss
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    Rise of the ancients are coming
    Mortals dwell in fear..."
  • The Funeral Seems To Be Endless
    "To heaven or to hell
    To the grave or to the stars
    The moon is high
    Over the horizon..."
  • Departure From The Mortals
    "Dreadful life, time to die
    Visions of Black ends my life
    Retribution I am saved
    Without form I shall be evil..."
  • The Black
    "Friends and companion of the night
    Thou who rejoices and brings terror to mortals
    Heavens damnation
    Total devastation..."
  • Dark Endless
    "Darkness is complete
    Oh so it burns
    Dark endless forests
    Has poisoned my blood..."
  • Holy Inquisition
    "You all confessed your sins - Die
    Your hearts are imprisoned by sin
    If you don't want to se your sin
    It must be shown to you..."
  • Sulphur Souls
    "Praise hail Satan
    Our wrath is about to be unleashed
    Upon you - oh lord of goodness
    For so long we have waited and believe us..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Nightwing" album, click "Marduk Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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