Maria Arredondo - Heartache Lyrics

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Artist: Maria Arredondo
Song Title: Heartache
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I'm about to go crazy, i don't know what to do
Coz I can't get you out of my mind.
And my heartbeat is raising when I see you at school,
and I guess I'm in trouble this time..

You don't know how I'm feeling, you don't know who I am.
And I don't know if you understand.

When i see you walk by there's a sting in my heart,
because I've been in love with you right from the start.
But it's not a big deal it's just something I feel.
It's just a little heartache, just a little heartache of mine..

All I want is to hold you, all i need is to know,
all I yern for one plaid of sign.
But I don't dare to tell you and I'm to shy to call,
so I guess I'm in trouble this time.

You don't know how I'm feeling, you don't know who i am.
And I don't know if you understand.

When I see you walk by there's a sting in my heart,
because Iv'e been in love with you right from the start.
But it's not a big deal, it's just something I feel.
It's just a little heartache, juat a little heartache..

But whenever I'm lonely and whenever I'm down,
and whenever I'm on my own.
I pretend you can hear me, I pretend that you're mine,
When I open my eyes you're gone!

When I see you walk by there's a sting in my heart,
because Iv'e been in love with you right from the start.
But it's not a big deal, it's just something I feel.
It's just a little heartache, just a little heartache..

When I see you walk by there's a sting in my heart,
because Iv'e been in love with you right from the start.
But it's not a big deal it's just something I feel.
It's just a little heartache, just a little heartache of mine..-

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    Maybe you should make it stop..."
  • Burning
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  • Can Let Go
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    He can`t help himself, I know he tries
    I was falling, sinking, never gonna be the same again
    I don`t want to fall with you..."
  • Catch Me If I Fall
    "Ooh I need someone to hold me
    I need someone to take my hand
    Who always understands
    You will never that someone..."
  • For A Friend
    "I can not hide the way I feel
    I never said that I wanted this for real
    You never tried to see the signs
    ?Cause now I know it is time to cross that line..."
  • Hardly Hurts At All
    "It's my first summer since you told me that we're over.
    It's my first summer since you went away.
    But don't go thinking there's a chip upon my shoulder.
    Cos I assure you everythings O.K...."

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