N 2 Deep - Back To The Hotel Lyrics
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Back To The Hotel Song Lyrics
N 2 Deep
Song Title:
Back To The Hotel
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V-Town, brother check it out, I'm by the dope town
Dick in hand, you shoulda had your toke down
A little city, chillin in the North Bay
Needless to say, my boyz don't play fool
Yo que sabo, you know how the songs goes?
In the back, sippin purple chongos
Don't look for trouble but it always seems to find us, forty
Gripin panties, sippin, and the seats are right behind us
Quick left, one blow, K.O.
Hit the road to the next episode
In the saga of a few fellows
Oh what the hell, I guess I better tell ya
It's Friday night, I got a brand new kick on
For me to get bent on
Hit the country of the picked up ML
Eighty West, back to the hotel
At the tele, bones is doing butt work
Johnny Ziti had his hand up her miniskirt
The late in the corner started to flirt
And I knew that when she saw me baby doll was gonna jaw me
Set for the night so I took her to my ride
Grab my Mickey's and my boda and I met her outside
Who-ride, I'd like to do this honey to the triple gold Z's
Acid in my bottle, so I gotta get some more
Put the pedal to the metal back to the liquor store
Cause you know what I mean when I'm feelin kinda funky
A sick honky, straight going donkey
Money in my sock, jimmy in my glove
Layin in the livin, cause I'm about to make good love
And burn rubber up the block
Back to the tele, I gotta get some new cock
Ah naw, could it be?
I just got a page an' a broad wanna do me
Hooked it up, told her meet me at the hotel
She had a friend with her so I called TL
Smooth me up, Sally wanted me dicked
And Monty licked, so try an' make it real quick
Ah yeah, I jumped in the F-train
But wait a minute, we gotta hit the store main
I got to get some gum and some Tic-Tac's
Two tall cans and a packet of Blackjack
We got the goods, now we're headed for the hoe down
There goes the tele, so fella won't you slow down
Park the ride in front like a sick one
Just in case, we gotta bust a quick one
Lock the load into eighteen
But law low cause I really don't wanna be seen
Is this the one? Aw yeah, that's the right one
I got the black bod and you got the white one
So hit the light an', I just might man
Try an' throw this thing all night an'
Get her so strung, that she'll drop some melt
So I can catch turf and hit another hotel
Back To The Hotel Lyrics
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