Nada Surf - Robot Lyrics

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Artist: Nada Surf
Nada Surf Author
Album: Proximity Effect (1998)
Nada Surf - Proximity Effect Album
Song Title: Robot
Genre: Rock
Visits: 705
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you're just walking around, your little mazes
figuring out, how to get by, how to get laid
and get famous, get yourself paid
impress the guys

you're taught to divide, the world into
buddies and wives, sluts and wimps
and ever since, you've kept a scorecard
how else to prove, you're such the pimp

you are just a robot, executing a program

get on the train where the crowd is tightening
to push yourself up against a girl
and when you're not getting play
you keep trying, you don't understand the consentual way

you are just a robot, executing a program
you are just a robot, an imitation of a man

she told me one night,
when we were lying quiet and cold, something not right
it had been months, since the good times
once there was sun, now there was night

and she said to me, as she turned on the light
"there's something you don't know, keeps me from feeling right.
i once knew a guy, i'd seen him around
he know all my friends, he came from town
one night at a party, we both were there
he followed me into the bathroom, he grabbed my hair,"
and she said "i still remember just how the floor felt,
and how my head would hit the tub"

now where is, that robot, is he alive or is he done?
does he breathe, the air that i breathe?
is he kept warm but the same sun?

you are just a robot, executing the program
an imitation of a man, executing the program
an imitation of a man, an imitation of a man
an imitation of a man, an imitation of a man
an imitation of a man

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Other Nada Surf song Lyrics
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  • Deeper Well
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  • The Plan
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    i won't be too scared, i won't be too tired
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  • Popular
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    Don't put off breaking up when you know you want to
    Prolonging the situation only makes it worse
    Tell him honestly, simply, kindly, but firmly..."
  • Sleep
    "step in my shoes, wait till you see the big flash now
    glued to the sheets, sleep with the sheep all month long
    easy to please, hard to believe it's a tease
    stuck in a rut, don't give a fuck if we're us..."
  • Stalemate
    "stale mate
    when do i jump out of the cake
    when do we admit it's a fake
    when do we jump out of the cake..."
  • Treehouse
    "i can see
    the things she does for me
    i'm living in a treehouse
    i live in constant fear..."
  • Icebox
    "Stay until
    You're sure that i'm asleep
    Warm safe and very still
    Give all my things away..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Proximity Effect" album, click "Nada Surf Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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