Nadiya - Et CEst Parti Lyrics

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Artist: Nadiya
Song Title: Et CEst Parti
Visits: 789
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Et c?est parti
Et c?est parti
Et c?est parti
Et c?est parti

Et c?est parti pour le show
Et c?est parti le stade est chaud
Et c?est parti bouge-toi sur ce floor (non non non non non non)
Et c?est parti pour le show
Et c?est parti tout le monde est chaud (hin hin)
Et c?est parti (non, non)
Everybody (everybody, everybody)

Il l?ve les yeux vers son reve
Se rem?more et l?ve
Ses pens?es l??l?vent
Il l?ve ses poings faits de lave (lave)
Prets ? briser l?enclave
Et se refuse esclave


Il laisse
L?emporte et l?ivresse
Et son coeur n?a de cesse
De taire ses faiblesses (hin)
D?laisse les coups qui le blessent (blessent)
Pour que le l?autre s?affaisse
Et le rideau se baisse


Lady and gentlemen,
welcome tonight at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas
The main event y?all been waitin? for
On my right, you got Nadiya
And on my left, Smartzee
Let?s go

I?m bangin? on these suckas
With a passion, it?s a pageant
Blastin? like a bullet, I'm there before you pull it
Mashin? 24/7 before I get to heaven
Uppercut niggas and gentlemen,
Smartzee?s Propellin?
Bang, energy doubles
When niggas lookin? for trouble
Home street home, like a rebel
trying to beat our puzzle
You really wanna rumble
Let?s get ready to crumble
I ain?t goin? out like a busta
I put my foot on the pedal

Et c?est parti pour le show-oo
Et c?est parti le stade est chaud
Et c?est parti bouge-toi sur ce floor (non non non non non non)
Et c?est parti pour le show
Et c?est parti tout le monde est chaud (hin hin, non non)
Et c?est parti
Everybody (everybody, everybody)

Refrain (x2)

To all my fellas in the club, put em up
To all my ladies in the club, put em up
To all my gangstas in the club, put em up
Put your mother fucking hands up

To all my ladies in the club, put em up
To all my fellass in the club, put em up
To all my gangstas in the club, put em up
Put your mother fucking hands up

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