Naglfar - Exalted Above Thrones Lyrics

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Artist: Naglfar
Naglfar Author
Album: Vittra (1995)
Naglfar - Vittra Album
Song Title: Exalted Above Thrones
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 635
Print Version

Oh, queen of the night hear my call
I raise my sword as many times before
Calling for the empress to return
Opening my veins, releasing my blood
And with the burning midnight mist she came
Pale white skin and eyes of blackest flames
Nocturnal goddess of the deep
Mistress of the ancient dark
I fell into her cold embrace
The enchantress of the stars
Giving her what was hers
Pain sweet as silver thorns
Feeling exalted above thrones
Her visions were now mine
As if the sun were neverborn
we played among the stars
Drinking the lihght of the goatmoon
The universe was ours
With the purity in her kisses
I fell through the blackened skies
Promising life everlasting
As a king and queen we'd rule
And in dreams eternal we met
Dancing through this hellish night
floating through worlds beyond cosmos
Giving her what was hers
Pain sweet as silver thorns
Feeling exalted above thrones
Her visions were now mine
I felt exalted above thrones
Love me, destroy me, suck me dry
But dawn came as it always does
Fading away she left me crying
With the loss of my bethrothed burning
I left my shell
and this mortal world
to recieve life everlasting
...Life everlasting

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Other Naglfar song Lyrics
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  • Embracing the Apocalypse
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    Receiving sulphur salvation..."
  • 12th Rising
    "The veil of nocturnal beauty
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    Of the horizon never seen by the eyes of man..."
  • The Brimstone Gate
    "I have seen the most beautiful light since my birth
    It's been possessing my mind
    I've lashed myself
    I have opened my veins, cursed my blood in grief......"
  • Blades
    "Your final moon sets this night you shall die
    Your pathetic merciful god, where is he now?
    He didn't listen to your cry
    We will come to you like thieves in the night..."
  • When Autumn Storms Come
    "Nightchildren bring my words
    Howling them through the dark
    The time is here for my return
    With the shadows I walk..."
  • Diabolical - The Devils Child
    "I stared into the broken mirrors of the universe
    Dragged further unto the grasp of obscurity
    Called by voices, called towards sin
    As a black shape of death he sweeps across the land..."
  • Wrath Of The Fallen
    "Once embodied in celestial light, now torn asunder and cast aside
    Like the feeble prey they are, they are ravaged without compromise
    Behold the signs of their defeat, angels slaughtered and left to bleed
    All that's left are the echoes of their cries, the dirge of a now lost breed..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Vittra" album, click "Naglfar Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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