Nakatomi Plaza - My Ex-David Lyrics

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Artist: Nakatomi Plaza
Song Title: My Ex-David
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If I tried harder, the words would come out but you have got to listen to just how I'm missing you. I would drive for hours to let this flower grow. It's not time forgotten, wasted. Time cannot escape this. Car crash, twisted metal And shrapnel in my mouth Lost life next to me Running past lights red Let me off.

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Other Nakatomi Plaza song Lyrics
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  • Circles
    ""Are you crazy? Say that again _ you said you want me to do what?" "That's what I said, you heard me so, drink it down and no one will ever know." "Why did I come around that night, I knew something was not right." "It'll be our secret, no one will know, that's the way that life goes." "Say it's not fair, I just don't care anymore what's right or wrong. I'm here for you and you're here for me and if you disagree_" Circles turn round themselves, never ending forever turning. "What you've done to me will come back to haunt you so you see that you can do what you want, and say what you're gonna say to me. But then I'll come back, and you won't know what hit you." "Say it's not fair, I just don't care anymore what's right or wrong. I'm here for you and you're here for me and if you disagree_" "I'm gonna show you how it goes. You're laughing and smiling 'cause you don't know the mighty powers that I can call your ignorance will be your fall." Your fall. "I hate you. 'Cause I'm still here and you can't catch me. I guess that you have failed. But look at where you are and why I didn't hear your call." Your ignorance. Your downfall.

  • Consider This A Hostile Takeover
    "once again our songs will fall on deaf ears and if slamming makes you happy then crack my head open age four so young and yet he screams in pain motivations feuled by hate i swear to god this time with blood coming from my eyes i swear to god this time this is not ok so here goes one thousand tears to drown you i know you cannot swim i won't reach out you'll pull me in and you'll see blood dripping from my hands as all the water turns to red you've caught me in the act this noose is going around your neck i hope it's a quick death and your heart stops beating

  • For Me To Live Happily You Must Die
    "are you all about this? i didn't think you would and now it'ts all understood i'm all bones tonight can't feel the sighs breath out my neck cold from no skin tonight water blue eyes cut to my bones i am bleeding red is the wine drink? this blood will save me? and so this time to let this go you must die by my hands

  • Good Friday
    "It's over, the light has returned to red My bloody red divine, so high, tastes like cheap red wine At the party's dawn, I'll sing that song, to prolong the Scourge, the walk of the avenue, the place, the place_ You're 20 minutes away 20 Years are hard enough some times just want to get off forever, or maybe just a couple days, 'cause forever isn't far away but it sures feels closer than you If we tied these hands, wrap this heart in a blanket The blood would seep through, and my bloody red divine Just smile, drink your cheap red wine, have a drink on me But how much more red is willing to bleed, one last drop, one last beat But on that Friday


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