Name Taken - I Quite My Scene Lyrics

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Artist: Name Taken
Song Title: I Quite My Scene
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It's what you want
and who you are
that has always been two very different things

So I wore my best clothes
on the last day
that I had to carry us in an uphill war
but I dropped you
under the shelter of
an old friend
you didn't mind then
so don't know
is this what we're fighting for

so why don't you tell me
how it was too little too late
as far as I can see it was the best we the best we could do
this is what I fought for
this is not
so why don't you tell me the truth

And so she she screams to her past
but I used to be someone better back then
she used to be someone better back then

so why don't you tell me
how it was too little too late
as far as I can see it was the best we the best we could do
this is what I fought for
this is not
so why don't you tell me the truth

but I used to be someone better back then
she used to be someone better back then

so why don't you tell me
how it was too little too late
as far as I can see it was the best we the best we could do
this is what I fought for
this is not
so why don't you tell me the truth

so why don't you tell me
how it was too little too late
as far as I can see it was the best we the best we could do
the best that we could do

and it's what you want
and who you are
that has always been two very different things

and it's what you want
and who you are
that has always been true...

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  • For Sunday
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    For 17 years I've let this go, I've let this go
    No one cares now, not even I now,
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