Nana MOUSKOURI - Caruso Lyrics

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Artist: Nana MOUSKOURI
Song Title: Caruso
Visits: 759
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Qui dove il mare luccica

e tira forte il vento

sulla vecchia terrazza

davanti al golfo di Surriento

un uomo abbraccia una ragazza

dopo che aveva pianto

poi si schiarisce la voce

e ricomincia il canto

Te vojo bene assai

ma tanto tanto bene sai

e' una catena ormai

che scioglie il sangue dint'e vene sai

Vide le luci in mezzo al mare

penso alle notti la in America

ma erano solo le lampare

e la bianca scia di un'elica

senti il dolore nella musica

e si alzo dal pianoforte

ma quando vide uscire

la luna da una nuvola

gli sembro piu dolce anche la morte

guardo negli occhi la ragazza

quegli occhi verdi come il mare

poi all'improvviso usci una lacrima

e lui credette di affogare

Potenza della lirica

dove ogni dramma e un falso

che con un po'di trucco e con la mimica

puoi diventare un altro

ma due occhi che ti quardano

cosi vicini e veri

ti fan scordare le parole

confondono i pensierei

cos diventa tutto piccolo

anche le notti la in America

ti volti e vedi la tua vita

dietro la scia di un'elica

ma si, e la vita che finisce

e non ce penso poi tanto

anzi, si sentiva gia felice

e ricomincio il suo canto

Te vojo bene assai

ma tanto tanto bene sai

e una catena ormai

che scioglie il sangue dint'e vene sai

CARUSO-English Translation

(L. Dalla)

Here, where the sea shines

And the wind howls

On the old terrace

Beside the gulf of Sorrento

A man embraces a girl

After the tears

Then clears his throat

And continues the song:

I love you very much

Very, very much you know

It is a chain by now

That heats the blood inside the veins

You know

He saw the lights out on the sea

Thought of the nights there in America

But they were only the fisherman's lamps

And the white wash astern

He felt the pain in the music

And stood up from the piano

But when he saw the moon

Emerging from a cloud

Death also seemed sweeter to him

He looked the girl in the eyes

Those eyes as green as the sea

Then suddenly a tear fell

And he believed he was drowning

I love you very much

Very, very much, you know

It is a chain by now

That heats the blood inside the veins

You know

The power of opera

Where every drama is a hoax

With a little make-up and with mine

You can become someone else

But two eyes that look at you

So close and real

Make you forget the words

Confuse your thoughts

So everything becomes small

Also the nights there in America

You turn and see your life

Through the white wash astern

But, yes, it is life that ends

And he did not think much about it

On the contrary, he already felt happy

And continued his song

I love you very much

Very, very much, you know

It is a chain by now

That heats the blood inside the veins

You know

Caruso Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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