Nanci Griffith - Time Of Inconvenience Lyrics
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Nanci Griffith Singer Lyrics
Time Of Inconvenience Song Lyrics
Nanci Griffith
Flyer (1994)
Song Title:
Time Of Inconvenience
Print Version
We're living in a time of inconvenience
Compassion fails me with this meanness in the air
Our city streets are filled with violence
So we close our doors to the city
And pretend that it's not there
Here I go again
Back out on these mean streets
The evil seems to cling to the soles of my feet
Cuz' I'm living in a time of inconvenience
At an inconvenient time
We're living in the age of communication
Where the only voices heard have money in their hands
Where greed has become a sophistication
And if you ain't got money
You ain't got nothin' in this land
An' here I am one lonely woman
On these mean streets
Where the right to life man has become my enemy
Cuz' I'm living in his time of inconvenience
At an inconvenient time
I've turned my cheek
As my history fades
While the clock ticks away
Any progress we've made
I never thought
I'd be ashamed to be human
Afraid to say
My time has seen it's day
Cuz' I'm living in a time of inconvenience
living in a time of inconvenience living in a time of inconvenience
It's an inconvenient time
This is the time of greed and power
Where everyone needs to have someone to shove around
Our children come to us for answers
Listening for freedom but they don't know the sound
And there they are, our children
Dumped out in these mean streets
The evil sweeps them up
And brings them to their knees
Cuz' they're living in our time of inconvenience
They're living in the age of communication
This is the time of greed and power
This is the time that I wish was not mine
Cuz' it's an inconvenient time
(time, oh time)
(it's an inconvenient time
Time Of Inconvenience Lyrics
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Other Nanci Griffith song Lyrics
Across The Great Divide
"I've been walkin' in my sleep
Countin' troubles 'stead of countin' sheep
Where the years went I can't say
I just turned around and they've gone away..."
Big Blue Ball Of War
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It went from Belgium on through Ireland
The Congo, then back home
This big blue ball of war spun on its own..."
"well thousands of folks back east they say
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they're beatin the hot old dusty way
to the california line..."
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"Oh the city snow makes your brown eyes shine
We've gotta look real hard to find a reason to cry
New York, New York is a friend of the traveling kind
And I'm coming around from years of hard times..."
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"I love this town? like an unmade bed
I love this town? of the living dead
I love this town? gonna paint it red
If I can spare a minute..."
Ill Move Along
I have traveled far to be sitting here with you
And I will leave this place alone
That's a sad and simple truth..."
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"Oh, he said it was the sound of the winter callin'
from up around the bend
Or it could be the cry of your restless heart
for the love of your long lost friends..."
Love Wore a Halo
I will find somebody new
Maybe tomorrow
I will stop this missing you..."
...Show All
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Flyer" album, click "
Nanci Griffith Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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