Nancy Wilson - Guess Who I Saw Today? Lyrics

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Artist: Nancy Wilson
Nancy Wilson Author
Album: Ballads Blues and Big Bands (Disc 3) (1996)
Nancy Wilson - Ballads Blues and Big Bands (Disc 3) Album
Song Title: Guess Who I Saw Today?
Genre: Jazz
Visits: 736
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[Elisse Boyd - Murray Grand]

You're so late getting home from the office, Did you miss your train?
Where you caught in the rain?
No, don't bother to explain.
Can I fix you a quick martini?
As a matter of fact
I'll have one with you,
For to tell you the truth
I've had quite a day too!

Guess who I saw today, my dear!
I went in town to shop around
for something new,
and thought I'd stop and have a bite
when I was through.
I looked around for someplace near,
and it occurred to me
where I had parked the car,
Tehre is a most attractive French cafe
and bar.
It really wasn't very far.

The waiter showed me to a dark,
secluded corner,
And when my eyes became accustomed
to the gloom,
I saw two people at the bar
who were so much in love,
that even I could spot it clear
across the room.

Guess who I saw today, my dear!
I've never been so shocked before.
I headed blindly for the door.
They didn't see me passing through,
Guess who I saw today?
Guess who I saw today?
Guess who I saw today?
I saw you!

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