Napoleon Xiv - Im Happy I Live In A Split-Level Head Lyrics
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Im Happy I Live In A Split-Level Head Song Lyrics
Napoleon Xiv
Song Title:
Im Happy I Live In A Split-Level Head
Print Version
I've lived in apartments, I've lived in a home
I travelled in trailers when I used to roam
But now in these places you won't have me dead
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head
I do what I want to; no worries, no care
If anyone bugs me I climb little stairs
Way up to a level where I feel no threat
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head
The stair climbing's nothing, I couldn't care less
I don't rush for busses and trains are a mess
There's no one to care for, I don't make a bed
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head
I like how I'm living, I'm nobody's slave
My head's above water, so don't make a wave
There's no door to lock and no dog to be fed
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head
So why should I move when the neighborhood's right?
No taxes to pay and no landlord to fight
Now I call this living, what's more, like I said
'cause Im happy I live in a split-level head
Now you keep your ulcers, your ills, and what's new
You sure couldn't have them and live like I do
You think I have problems, but you do instead
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head
I live with two people, I like both of them
He likes both of me and I like both of him
They're my alter-egos and to them I'm wed
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head
There's no civil status in my neighborhood
And its that kind of thinking, that keeps it so good
I don't take the lead but I like to be led
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
I've lived in apartments, I've lived in a home
(so why should I move when the neighborhood's right?)
I travelled in trailers when I used to roam
(No Taxes to pay and no landlord to fight)
But now in these places you won't have me dead
(Now I call this living, what's more, like I said)
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head {together}
I do what I want to; no worries, no care
(now you keep your ulcers, your ills, and what's new)
If anyone bugs me I climb little stairs
(you sure couldn't have them and live like I do)
Way up to a level where I feel no threat
(You think I have problems, but you do instead)
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head {together}
The stair climbing's nothing, I couldn't care less
(I live with two people, I like both of them)
I don't rush for busses and trains are a mess
(he likes both of me, and I like both of him)
There's no one to care for, I don't make a bed
(They're my alter-egos and to them I'm wed)
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head {together}
I like how I'm living, I'm nobody's slave
(There's no civil status in my neighborhood)
My head's above water, so don't make a wave
(And it's that kind of thinking that keeps it so good)
There's no door to lock and no dog to be fed
(I don't take the lead, but I like to be led)
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head {together}
So why should I move when the neighborhood's right?
(I've lived in apartments, I've lived in a home)
No taxes to pay and no landlord to fight
(I travelled in trailers when I used to roam)
Now I call this living, what's more, like I said
(But now in these places you won't catch me dead)
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head {together}
Now you keep your ulcers, your ills, and what's new
(I do what I want to; no worries, no cares)
You sure couldn't have them and live like I do
(If anyone bugs me, I climb little stairs)
You think I have problems, but you do instead
(Way up to a level where I feel no threat)
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head {together}
I live with two people, I like both of them
(The stair climbing's nothing, I couldn't care less)
He likes both of me and I like both of him
(I don't rush for buses and trains are a mess)
They're my alter-egos and to them I'm wed
(There's no one to care for, I don't make a bed)
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head {together}
There's no civil status in my neighborhood
(I like how I'm living, I'm nobody's slave)
And its that kind of thinking, that keeps it so good
(My head's above water, so don't make a wave)
I don't take the lead but I like to be led
(There's no door to lock, and no dog to be fed)
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head {together}
(What'd he say?)
What'd he say?
(Do you know what he said?)
I don't know what he said!
(No, I don't know what he said!)
Im Happy I Live In A Split-Level Head Lyrics
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Other Napoleon Xiv song Lyrics
I Live In A Split Level Head
"I've lived in apartments, I've lived in a home
I travelled in trailers when I used to roam
But now in these places you won't have me dead
'Cause I'm happy I live in a split-level head..."
Marching Off To Bedlam
"One, two, three!
Here we go!
Bedlam, bedlam!
Ho, ho, ho!..."
"Remember when you ran away
And I got on my knees
And begged you not to leave
Because I'd go beserk..."
Theyre Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-haaa!
"They're Coming to Take me Away, Ha-Haaa!
Napoleon XIV
Remember when you ran away
And I got on my knees..."
Theyre Coming To Take Me Away
"Remember when you ran away
And I got on my knees and begged you
Not to leave because I'd go beserk?
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