Nargaroth - Karmageddon Lyrics

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Artist: Nargaroth
Nargaroth Author
Album: Herbstleyd (1998)
Nargaroth - Herbstleyd Album
Song Title: Karmageddon
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 771
Print Version

The day darker than night and the water red
By the blood from the pained.

The day after day
No whisper of pray
The angels are fallen
Deep into ravenrealm.

Swords sounds in heaven, deep red the sun.
Fullmoon in red side, God lost his only son.
Be brave on revenge
And hold the proud of fatherland.
Where are this dogs, where are this wolves?

And my hate has no mercy,
And my hate has no mercy.
As the death took them away,
I won't cry for their decay.
And the death took them away,
I won't cry for their decay.

When I die...

The oceans black, burn the land and
No cry will be heard...

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