Nargaroth - The Day Burzum Killed Mayhem Lyrics

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Artist: Nargaroth
Nargaroth Author
Album: Black Metal Ist Krieg (A Dedication Monument) (2001)
Nargaroth - Black Metal Ist Krieg (A Dedication Monument) Album
Song Title: The Day Burzum Killed Mayhem
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 780
Print Version

a year of misery?
Darkness fills the sky.
I hear the warriors cry.
The legend tells a story
From a Viking from the north,
Who met a Death Warrior
Black Metal was never really the same.
The legend call it murder
And the Viking had survived.
But the eyes of the Death Warrior
Never saw again the sun upon the sky.
And the quintessence:
Everyone recognized war,
That Black Metal isn't just
Entertainment anymore.
I can still remember
My emotions so confused.
My soul was seeking answers.
No knife I let unused.
So many questions
I had to satisfy.
My soul was under torture,
But I knew my way was right
I see a cemetery fall asleep under fog
And I know the old days will never come
1993, this year of misery was the knife
which split the Black Metal scene apart.
Since that mighty day Black metal split his Way,
And the unity was never the same again.
Lies, rumors and hate. Moneymaking, sadness
And shame
And all this by, the Day as Burzum Killed Mayhem.
Remember this day! Remember this way!
That you never betray, what here leads you
On your way!
And I never will forget
The day as this both warriors met.
The blood was hot the moon was red
And Black Metal created his own grave.
And I dream from days before
Black Metal Maniacs, no whore,
In the legions of war
The demons in our heads the law.
So I summon you once again,
We should never forget the pain
From older days in our veins
We now cut of that it can flow like rain.
Arrghh, this was the legend from
The Day as Burzum killed Mayhem.

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