Narnia - Inner Sanctum Lyrics

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Artist: Narnia
Narnia Author
Album: Desert Land (2001)
Narnia - Desert Land Album
Song Title: Inner Sanctum
Genre: Metal
Visits: 909
Print Version

I've been foolin' around away for a long time
Living my life with my own rules once again - Oh no!
My storybook is full of colours
Memories of my dark past are coming back
Dark desires all over the place
Lock up the door
To my secret room
I'm caught in the middle
Feel I'm starting to slide
Open up my eyes
So I can see, so I can breath, yeah!
I'm not a hero
Just a simple man
I am stumbling and falling
I need someone to lean on
Someone to solve my problems now
Strange dreams are following me
Wake me up from this nightmare
I don't want more sleepless nights
Lock up the door
To my secret room
I feel like a stranger
Like a stranger to myself
Open up my eyes
So I can see, so I can breath, yeah!
I'm not a hero
Just a simple man
Inner sanctum of my soul
Only you know my secret room
Inner sanctum of my soul
Only you can see my reality
I see commercials on the TV
Promise me a life in luxury
Take away all this stupid crap
I want a life of quality
I need some rest for my tired body

Inner Sanctum Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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  • Trapped In This Age
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  • War Preludium
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  • The Countdown Has Begun
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    For power and glory and justice for all..."
  • Back From Hell
    "Where can I run? and where can I hide?
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    No place to call home and no one here to carry me
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Desert Land" album, click "Narnia Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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