Natalia Kukulska - Even Lyrics

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Artist: Natalia Kukulska
Song Title: Even
Visits: 792
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Even when you told me
That I was a fool
I believed that this love
Could break all the rules

And even when you told me
That I got it wrong
When I said what we have
Is fragile yet strong

Now that you can see
How it's all working out
Can you really deny it
Can you still really doubt
I wanna say

I'll never leave you baby
I'll never give up on you
I'll never leave you baby
Now that I found you
I'll never leave you baby
I'll never lose faith in you
I'll never leave you baby

Even when you told me
That it's all a game
I just knew that deep inside you
You must have felt the same

That one day somehow
Our lives would converge
And the gates would open
For two hearts to merge

Now that you can see
How it's all working out
Can you really deny it
Can you still really doubt
I wanna say

I'll never leave you baby
I'll never give up on you
I'll never leave you baby
Now that I found you
I'll never leave you baby
I'll never lose faith in you
I'll never leave you baby

I was empty till I met you
Now I overflow
Like a river that has found its peace in you

Now that you can see
How it's all working out
Can you really deny it
Can you still really doubt
I wanna say

I'll never leave you baby
I'll never give up on you
I'll never leave you baby
Now that I found you
I'll never leave you baby
I'll never lose faith in you
I'll never leave you baby

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