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Heavenly Song Lyrics
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I think about all the time I wasted,
Trying to figure out
What in the world my heart could ever trust
What I finally found...
There ain't nothing on this earth
Was ever gonna satisfy (me)
I think about all the life I've tasted now
What I'd done without
And sometimes I still wonder how
You turned my heart around
How You brought light into the world
Love into my longing life
Well, down here,
I find my hope when I'm looking for You
Well, things are looking up now...
Set my mind on things above
I prefer the wonder of
Your amazing grace, Your higher way
Your mystery
Won't rely on earthly things,
Only want the love You bring
'Cause I hope in the Heavenly
I think about all the time I wasted here
All that I dreamed about
And in pursuit of happiness I fear
I let some people down
So Lord, I pray that they see through me
See You on the other side
Well, down here,
I find my hope when I'm trusting in You
Well, things are looking up now...
Down here, I find my life in You
My heart is complete
For You're all the hope I need in the world
And You're the love I lean into
Yeah things are looking up now?
| Heavenly Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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