Natalie Merchant - Break Your Heart Lyrics

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Artist: Natalie Merchant
Natalie Merchant Author
Album: Ophelia (1998)
Natalie Merchant - Ophelia Album
Song Title: Break Your Heart
Genre: Rock: Pop-Rock
Visits: 637
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People down-cast in despair
See the dis-illusion everywhere
Hoping their bad luck will change
It's a little harder everyday

People struggle, people fight
For the simple pleasures in their life
The trouble comes from everywhere
It's a little more than you can bear

I know that it will hurt
I know that it will break your heart
The way things are
The way they've been
And the way they've always been

People shallow, self-absorbed
See them push and shove for their rewards
With nothing else on their minds
You can read about it in their eyes

People ruthless, people cruel
The damage that some people do
Full of hatred, full of pride
It's enough to make you lose your mind

I know that it will hurt
I know that it will break your heart
The way things are
And the way they've been

I know that it will hurt
I know that it will break your heart
The way things are
And the way they've been

Don't spread the discontent
Don't spread the lies
Don't make the same mistakes
With your own life

You know we're all a little low sometimes

I know that it will hurt
I know that it will break your heart
The way things are
And the way they've been

Don't spread the discontent
Don't spread the lies
Don't make the same mistakes
In your own life

And don't disrespect yourself
Don't lose your pride
And don't think everybody's gonna change their side

Oh no

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    Toast of the town
    Everyone stops when you come around
    They hold their breath for you..."
  • Henry Darger
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    Henry Darger
    Henry Darger
    Who'll save the poor little girl?..."
  • The Worst Thing
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    Live it up girl 'cause it never lasted long
    It's heaven for now but not for long
    It's gonna hurt you..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Ophelia" album, click "Natalie Merchant Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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