NATAS - Funeral Parlor Lyrics

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Artist: NATAS
Song Title: Funeral Parlor
Visits: 701
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I advise y'all to open your eyes

and ask JFK if flyin through the skies you can die

And all the ballers out there cookin them pies

do you even realize why we lookin so high?

It's a surprise, It's the end for us all

the hieroglyphics told mysteries on the pyramid walls

I feel the force drag me into the light

The same one who stole the life in the still of the night

(I see dead people all in my sight, even when I close my eyelids tight

with all my might.)

(I see dead people)

I often wonder, do dead men dream?

about the life they lived and all the fancy things?

about who was paid? and who was broke?

about who had the most money, ho's and dope?

about that one nigga who just couldn't cope

life came down crashin like a nigga on a ski slope

Can I rock this one for Redd Fox?

I saw Biggie Smalls, I saw Tupac

I saw the nigga with the gun bust 2 shots

some of you believe me and some of you do not

(I see dead people all in my sight, even when I close my eyelids tight

with all my might.)

(I see dead people)

Check the rigamortis, cause time moves slow as a tortoise

like a virgin, like Madonna till she had little Lordis

You can't afford us Time goes fast, life's the shortest

Officially for the good green weed and coke snorters

Support us, look how far the dead brought us

2000 AD rock the funeral parlors

Dead ballers and dirt crawlers, under the surface

You must know the difference, between an angel and the serpents

(I see dead people all in my sight, even when I close my eyelids tight

with all my might.)

(I see dead people)

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    Some type of foreign land, got to get away E
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    Life's hard what am I supposed to do in this cold life..."
  • Cyberkill
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    More fear than the Y2k bug got Slugs for thugs..."
  • Doubelieveingod
    "* send corrections to the typist
    I never ever believed I've been deceived like adam & eve
    my thoughts bust to make my mind bleed
    in god you trust but in god I bust caps..."

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