Natasha Thomas feat Sugar Daddy - Its Over Now (ft Sugar Daddy) Lyrics
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Its Over Now (ft Sugar Daddy) Song Lyrics
Natasha Thomas feat Sugar Daddy
Song Title:
Its Over Now (ft Sugar Daddy)
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(intro Sugar Daddy)
This is the original Sugar Daddy lang side Natasha
Yar yar
Real thing thi thing thing thing
as we start to sing with a new brand something
Yar yar
What kind of love have you got?
You should be home but you're not
I don't wanna believe that it's over now
I could be wrong but I'm not,
And you still think you're on heart
I don't wanna believe that it's over now
(verse 1 Sugar Daddy)
Girl it's to sudden well it's over know
Like Land Rover now me start to roll you know
Is holdep show yar know
Indeed again
Can you tell me your secrets (Am a star)
Then I tell you mine
Show me that you still love me
Then I show real love
What kind of love have you got?
You should be home but you're not
I don't wanna beliee that it's over now,
I could be wrong but I'm not,
And you still think you're on heart
I don't wanna believe that it's over now
(Sugar Daddy)
Ok then you think yuh now den
Real dude boy
You're walkin' the wire (I'm walkin the wire)
Looking for love in between
But you don't have desire
Do you know what I mean? (Real love)
What kind of love have you got?
You should be home but you're not
I don't wanna believe that it's over now
I could be wrong but I'm not
And you still think you're on heart
I don't wanna believe that it's over now
Wake up,
You lose my lovin
Wake up,
You stop thinkin
Think twice
About the things you have said and done
Wake up,
You lose my lovin
Wake up,
You stop thinkin
Think twice
About the things you have said and done
(verse 2 Sugar Daddy)
You are brag an bos and you are gone like yuh bad
And me spen hold night in are me music lab
Fe make them true song good make them lyrics song bad
Boy are gowon like you weked and ral up yuh ragg well
It no make no sence you hype know
Car me pack me bag me leave well tonight you no
It make no sence you gave D daddy no fight now, allright
Indeed as we seek as we search as we find, again
What kind of love you have got?
You should be home but you're not
I don't wanna believe that it's over now
I could be wrong but I'm not
And you still think you're on heart
I don't wanna believe that it's over now
It's over now
Its Over Now (ft Sugar Daddy) Lyrics
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