Nattvindens Grat - Sethian Seal Lyrics

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Artist: Nattvindens Grat
Song Title: Sethian Seal
Genre: Rock
Visits: 684
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"Wande in peace O Great Pharaoh to the land of Osiris in the west
No one will disturb your peace without punishment, the brotherhood will guard your rest"

Under the burning desert sun seven men shoveled away hot sand
To discover the door to an ancient tomb where rested the one born of a divine womb

When the door was discovered they opened it with greed
They didn't know what was to become their destiny
The protector of this tomb was...
The Curse of the Netherworld, it wanted them dead
The Curse of the Netherworld, the Sethial seal

"We warn you vile intruders, do never break this seal
Let the God on earth rule this hall alone, do not defy the power of the ancients"

Without caring about warnings the men broke into the tomb with golden glitter in their eyes
The vast richdom theu carried away to their homes only laughing at the curse as a joke

For two weeks they enjoyed the life of a magnate
Until the breaker fell into a coma and couldn't be saved
He had defied...
The Curse of the Netherworld...

After his death the thieves started to drop like flies until even the last one of them had died
They all had defied...
The Curse of the Netherworld...

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Other Nattvindens Grat song Lyrics
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  • The Echo
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  • Skyfires Dance
    "Night fell upon the world
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    Birdsong echoed no more
    Horizon bathed in fire..."
  • Towards The Sea
    "Through vast landscapes he rode
    towards east
    Until he felt the salty odour in his nose
    The sound of waves come from far away..."
  • Song Of The Tide Waves
    ""Shadows are marching closer
    The maiden in tower is getting old
    Those years passed all of a sudden
    The winds that blow are so cold..."
  • A Lonely October Night
    "Once again left the rider
    With no clue where to do
    Helpless and frustrated
    He began to wander in woe..."
  • Vagabonds Dusk
    "Out of the misty forest
    The rider came tired and dawncast
    A chilly night was descending
    The first snows fell forever it would last..."
  • The Two Oaks
    "The path to home seemed so strange
    Fades trees in twilight
    Many things he remembered has changed
    New people stared him like a ghost..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Chaos Without Theory" album, click "Nattvindens Grat Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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