NAZARETH - Lonely in the Night Lyrics

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Album: 2XS (1982)
Song Title: Lonely in the Night
Genre: Rock: Hard-Rock
Visits: 666
Print Version

I?m growin? tired of this deception.
I have no wish to play this game.
Too many times I?ve made connection,
And you?re still holding me away.
We live here under false pretenses;
Fooling ourself ? believe the lies!
I could not take one more rejection!
You wanted more but would not try!
Something?s gone wrong with us ? Something ain?t right?
Why are we lonely in the night?
Why are we lonely in the night?

We?re trapped within our own defenses.
The walls we made are all the same.
There is no love without affection.
We?ve come too far to break the chain.
Something?s gone wrong with us ? Something ain?t right?
Why are we lonely in the night?
Why are we lonely in the night?

I?m growin? tired of this deception.
We fall apart and wonder why.
Our hearts now pull in new directions.
We don?t know how to say, ?Good-bye?!
Something?s gone wrong with us ? Something ain?t right?
Why are we lonely in the night?
Why are we lonely in the night?
Something?s gone wrong with us ? Something ain?t right?
Why are we lonely in the night?
Why are we lonely in the night?

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "2XS" album, click "NAZARETH Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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