NAZARETH - No Mean City (Parts 1 2) Lyrics

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Album: No Mean City (1978)
NAZARETH - No Mean City Album
Song Title: No Mean City (Parts 1 2)
Genre: Rock
Visits: 717
Print Version

Stopped in fright at a traffic light

Red eyes staring me out

Strange feelings comin' down tonight

Can't quite figure it out

Fit your alibi before your crime

No need in serving no time

Case you scam, or you'll get rammed

Stretched out on that line

Hangin' out at a shooting site

Cold turkey calling a tune

All the answers coming late tonight

Try to look like you're immune

In your eyes you can feel the heat

But the feelings outa touch

You're working on just a holding on

You're hurtin' oh so much

Feel the city heartbeat, feel the pulse in the streets

Can you feel the city heartbeat, can you feel the pulse in the streets

Can you feel your own heartbeat

Can you feel your blood begin to heat?

Call off your dogs 'cause I am no fox

Turn off your white light

My alibi is rock tight

Your night stick, cheap trick is pullin' me in

Your monkey suit, stage fright, black and white blue suit, law suit

Is wearin', mighty thin

Feel the city heartbeat, feel the pulse in the streets

Can you feel the city heartbeat, can you feel the pulse in the streets

Can you feel your own heartbeat

Can you feel your blood begin to heat?

Borstal boy laughing at justice now he's a star

And the perfume he wore lingers on the king's road

Like a whore

Legs wrapped around a plastic stool

He's making more in one day

Than you've, hot dinners

Call out your legions, the savior is loose

Telling true stories you know that ain't no use

Your empire is burning you can feel the smell

Your hot rod , space pod, tax relief, kill machine

Is looking mean

And should be working well

Feel the city heartbeat, feel the pulse in the streets

Can you feel your own heartbeat

Can you feel the pulse in the streets

Can you feel your own heartbeat

Can you feel your blood begin to heat?

(McCafferty, Charlton, Cleminson, Agnew, Sweet)

copyright 1978 Nazsongs/Panache Music ltd.

international copyright secured. all rights reserved.

1979 A&M Records, inc.

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