Nazgul - Hulth-Garth (Qui Inferorum Animas Excitat) Lyrics

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Artist: Nazgul
Nazgul Author
Song Title: Hulth-Garth (Qui Inferorum Animas Excitat)
Visits: 698
Print Version

Per multos annos sex lunarum ordinem et collocationem
Et tandem suum iter finem habuerat...
Erat sub radicibus montis Ghor-Ad
In cuius cacumine magnifica domus regia eminebat.
Cum in eam irrupisset eius cognoscendi cupiditas et imperii
Usque ad ianuam cellae funebris eum pepulerunt...
Duo sarcophagi positi in medio loco
Conclavis illustrati nigra flamma.
Incipit declamationem versuum turpium
Excitans flammam magis magisque ingentem
Dum magus vomitans blasphemias instabat
Duae nigrae imagines habitibus bellicis apparverunt...
Domini Mali
Quomodo miser homo poterat eos continere ?

[HULTH-GARTH (He Who Summon Deads' Souls)]

For years he had waited the six moons falling into line,
And finally his journey ended...
He was at the feet of the Ghor-Ad mountain
On the top of which raised the majestic castle.
Once entered his thirst of knowledge and his desire of power
Pushed him to the death chamber
Two sarcophagi in the middle of a room illuminated
By black flame.
He began to recite abominable verses,
Animating the flame stather and stather
To the pursue of the necromancer vomiting oaths.
Two black figures in war clothes materialized...
He had freed "The Lords Of Evil".
How dare a poor human being think to be able to
Control Them?

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