Nebular Moon - Chapter II - Dust Of Transience Lyrics

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Artist: Nebular Moon
Nebular Moon Author
Song Title: Chapter II - Dust Of Transience
Visits: 755
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[My Cold Eternity]

Now eternity is taking my soul
And I feel like I'm Fozen alive
In my heart, there is only keenly emptiness
My blood is yet again like red, cold ice
I, I'm the last one in this cage
Dying for your child for human race

Now I'm seeing your sin my god
You are the liar of all those past years
Night, it was your only destiny
I wish that I die alone, without your heed
Let my soul pass away
I don't need your grace - I won't serve
I don't want to survive in your world of lies
I'm not your slave, I'm Antichrist

Fall, fall again from grace
Into burning fields of truth
Fallin' down, on earth
Without hope in blind eyes

Now I'm seeing myself in a buried world
Silent screams I hear deep inside my soul
Freezing dreams come true in my pitch-dark night
From my barren land you can hear me cry
I remember the time which has passed away
And I feel, that I don't want to return

Time of my law is born - I'm your heir to the throne
Hear my complaint - I will rise from my grave
Dawn of my lordship you see, your kingdom is blown away
Pay for your treasons now - You will be mine


Ein Hauch all der Jahre, die er gehen sah
Verwische im Nebel der Zeit, die zu Staub zerfiel
Verfremdet die Tage, einst so warm und klar
Verblutend, verblassend - ihrem Ziel so nah

Erhort seine letze Klage- sicht sein sterbend Haupt

Verwirkte Ionen, so sinnlos, blfs und leer
Einst atmend und fuhlaend, nun einsam, greis und nacht
In farblosen Schatten versunken und erstarrt
Das Schwanenlied oergebens - kein Lohn, kein Ruhm, nar Leid

Fausend Jahre Regen, kein Frost im finster'

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