Necro - Cockroaches Lyrics

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Artist: Necro
Necro Author
Album: I Need Drugs (2000)
Necro - I Need Drugs Album
Song Title: Cockroaches
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 973
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[Verse One: Necro]
Billions greeting, roaming around since Genesis
Coming out through the crevices
Infested, walls filled with termites
Busting through drool, looking for food
Coming out when there's no light!
They're small, but they make, humans nervous
You'll do a spastic jerk, if you spot one crawling on your epidermis
If you squeamish, you're save provided,
When you sleep you keep your mouth closed, cause yo they might crawl up inside
Uninvited, from out the Earth's core
Bugs are the only species that will probably survive a nuclear war
And as you snore, they like to run to your door
Then explore, you won't notice when they're on your upside down floor
Schemin', he sees food it causes poison
but some ain't smart enough to eraid the exterminator's poison
So the pest takes it back to his nest
contacting with another infected begins to infect the rest
A lot die, but it's only a small fraction - we can't catch 'em
because there's always new eggs hatchin'

[Chorus One:]
*Cut and scratched by the DJ*
Cockroach (3X)

[Verse Two: Necro]
Cockroaches, many perceive as evil
But if you're from The Projects, them niggas are like people!
They sleep with you, eat with you, listen to beats with you
Thousands hiding in your couch form armies to reproduce
They conceive they're crew, roaches got there own army
generals, colonels, lieutenant, invading tenants
Your crib becomes a big roach motel, for all sorts of bugs
Poor homes for that can't afford ?? free cockroach ?drugs?
From out the cupboard, crawling into crisis
I got baby roaches inside my food cartons camouflaged as spices
Once by accident, I ate 'em with my rice ki

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Other Necro song Lyrics
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  • I Need Drugs
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    When I come home from work
    I'm fiendin' for an eight-ball
    I got crack on my mind..."
  • Youre Dead
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    Yo, the most morbid overdose off it
    Like cindy crawford's baby comatose in the coffin
    I'm awful, often unlawful..."
  • Get On Your Knees
    "";Baby, Baby I'll get down on my knees for you, if you....";
    Motherfucker you know the deal, I'ma rap on this porn shit
    So yo! Suck it
    I lounge gettin blown by PJ sparks at key west..."
  • Underground
    I keep straining my ears to hear a sound
    Maybe someone is digging underground
    Or have they......"
  • S.T.D.
    "I was walking in the park, in the noon
    When I saw her, she was beautiful
    Like a flower in the summer, what a bummer
    I wish I could talk to her, I got my nerve up..."
  • Wnyu 89.1 Freestyle 5/10/2000
    "Yo, it's Scrooge... Scrooge
    Scrooge is up in here...ho ho ho!!!
    I wish you a merry crucifixion, I wish you would get a new religion
    I wish you a merry crucifixion, and a crappy new year..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "I Need Drugs" album, click "Necro Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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