Necro - Dead Body Disposal Lyrics

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Artist: Necro
Necro Author
Album: Gory Days (2003)
Necro - Gory Days Album
Song Title: Dead Body Disposal
Genre: Easy Listening
Visits: 936
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[Solemon Sol & Lincoln from Snatch]

[Verse 1]
Let`s talk about dead body disposal
My proposal take the corpse to the bathtub
And drain the blood out of the bastard
Strip ya self new first so you don`t get blood on ya new shirt
And cut the fuckin` corpse up like a butcher to meat kid
And put the pieces inside trash bags
So she`ll be wreaking like a fags ass
With flesh covered in leeches
And throw the bags away
In various trash bins in different areas
This shit`s hilarious
Nobody notices some asshole taking out the garbage
Who would know it`s a carcass?
Even if they were focusing `cause the plastic bag is dark kid
And even the nosy bitch wouldn`t open it, it make no sense
And if you do it just before a trash pick up
The bodies hauled away before it decays and stinks up
It won`t be noticed but literally turns up other shit
And ya bag is in the middle buried right under it
Especially if you double-bagged it
Ya victim`ll stay a faggot in fragments forever stagnet

Dead Body Disposal
For those that don`t know what to do after ya foes are killed
Shit could get messy when the blood flow spills
You never know when you might need to know skills
In body disposal it`s no frills
Dead Body Disposal
Are you interested in hearing my proposal?

[Verse 2]
Bodies begin to stink within an hour of death
And if it`s warm outside then it`s quicker for the sour stench to leak out
the flesh
So think about the steps
You taking killing and be willing to consider the best
Be extra careful and grab an aerosol can of pepper spray
to coat the pieces the smell is unbearable
Hold the first layer of bag beautifully
that`ll keep animals from tearing open the bag to get to the meat
Squirrels, dogs, and birds
Officers with dogs that smell won`t find shit when they thrown off the scent
You could hang a fuck upside down in ya tub
And slit his throat from ear to ear to remove a large amount of blood
Most of it`ll gush out on a tunnel once
But to get that last couple of pints drained work his arms like pumps
For dismemberment gentlemen I recommend
heavy duty brawn saws that cut through gendleums like pendulums
But if you want to take your time don`t rush it
either cut each piece off like Pizza Hut pizza with a rusty cleaver
Then put each piece up in a freezer
Take out the trash in a couple of days the stench of decomposition`s meager
And make sure there`s no incriminating papers in the bag
Letters, receipts, anything with ya name they`ll trace ya
I know it`s obvious but you`d be amazed at how easy it is
to be sloppy with this even the Mafia slips

Dead Body Disposal
For those that don`t know what to do after ya foes are killed
Shit could get messy when the blood flow spills
You never know when you might need to know skills
In body disposal it`s no frills

Let`s talk about death baby
Disintegration of flesh you`ll see
Let`s talk about all the good things and the bad things
In hacking up ya meat

Let`s talk about death baby
Disintegration of flesh you`ll see
Let`s talk about all the good things and the bad things
In hacking up ya meat
Let`s talk about that!

[Brick Top from Snatch]

[Verse 3]
There`s more choices to choose kid
Bury the corpse in the ground, bury it at sea or the pieces get distributed
When using the ground a shallow grave isn`t allowed
`Cause the corpse`ll be found when the stench of it lingers out
Make sure it`s six feet deep or more
Construction sites work in formented
In what`s cemented suspended beneath the floor
Using the sea has its potential sequentionally
The sea destroys all evidence eventually
But make sure that you tie a weight to the body to keep it from floating
around and being discovered by mistake
Drop it as far from shore as possible otherwise it`ll pop up at low tide or
be seen by some fisherman`s opticals
Distributing! Body parts is riveting
I explained it in verbs once forgive me if I begin again
A wood chipper turns a corpse into chopped meat
Spread it all over ya grass then water it down properly
Within a few days the cadaver`s fertilizer
Your advisor`s taught you ways of covering up murders wiser
Regardless how you tried these methods
Be careful with prints and rented equipment use cash and fake id`s

Dead Body Disposal
For those that don`t know what to do after ya foes are killed
Shit could get messy when the blood flow spills
You never know when you might need to know skills
In body disposal it`s no frills
Dead Body Disposal
Are you interested in hearing my proposal?
Shit could get messy when the blood flow spills
You never know when you might need to know skills
In body disposal it`s no frills

Let`s talk about death baby
Disintegration of flesh you`ll see
Let`s talk about all the good things and the bad things
In hacking up ya meat
Let`s talk about that!

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  • Get On Your Knees
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    So yo! Suck it
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  • Cockroaches
    Billions greeting, roaming around since Genesis
    Coming out through the crevices
    Infested, walls filled with termites..."
  • Underground
    I keep straining my ears to hear a sound
    Maybe someone is digging underground
    Or have they......"
  • S.T.D.
    "I was walking in the park, in the noon
    When I saw her, she was beautiful
    Like a flower in the summer, what a bummer
    I wish I could talk to her, I got my nerve up..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Gory Days" album, click "Necro Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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