Necro - The Pain Lyrics

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Artist: Necro
Necro Author
Song Title: The Pain
Visits: 908
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[chopped samples repeating throughout the song]
The rain - rain - (rain) - on my face
In the rain - rain - to hide my pain - on my..
Hey I like to go out in the rain - rain - (rain)
On my face - in the rain - rain - to hide my pain - on my..
Hey I like to go out in the..

[Verse 1]
See I'm a single black male, dark hair, dark eyes
Long walks through a park and a lot of them lives
I'm a little bit shaded by a lot of what I see
So if you're still interested you should come get at me
Cause I'm tired of getting shot down, put down and dissed
I wanna be picked up, held tight and kissed
But things like these don't happen to dudes like me
Because I'm more Coldplay than I am Ice-T
They say that good girls love bad guys and that might be
But a bad girl with a good guy, that's unlikely
So what's a man to do to get to hold hands with you?
Do I talk shit and stand and look hard with my crew?
I don't know what to do, so I drown in my drink
It helps to numb the pain, cause when I sit and think about it
Eyes get clouded, thoughts get crowded (thoughts get clouded)
So I'ma sit right here, wait for you to talk about it
In the.. c'mon

[Verse 2]
Said she had a boyfriend, just trying to be nice
But I've heard the same lines from different women all night
Too easy let down, but don't let it get you down
Shit, that's what my boys told me, but end of the night
I was still sitting lonely, if only I could find 'em
Without all the drama, without the one-liners
Excuse me miss, hey mam, you got a man, what's ya name?
I'm in my mid-twenties so enough with the games
Simply put I think you're stunning, and what about some kids?
A couple dogs, a couple cars, a four bedroom crib?

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Other Necro song Lyrics
  • The Most Sadistic
    "for all you slime buckets, all over the land, peep it}
    Yo, I'm dancin on your grave like Borishnikov,
    I'll rip you off,
    leave you in the desert 'til the voltures strip your corpse,..."
  • Hoe Blow
    "Doo doo sluts, uhh
    The sex-pert.. check it
    I'm pulling off your blouse
    Start tongue kissin you and then I cough in your mouth..."
  • I Need Drugs
    "* parody of LL Cool J's ";I Need Love";
    When I come home from work
    I'm fiendin' for an eight-ball
    I got crack on my mind..."
  • Youre Dead
    "Ahhhhhh, necro!
    Yo, the most morbid overdose off it
    Like cindy crawford's baby comatose in the coffin
    I'm awful, often unlawful..."
  • Get On Your Knees
    "";Baby, Baby I'll get down on my knees for you, if you....";
    Motherfucker you know the deal, I'ma rap on this porn shit
    So yo! Suck it
    I lounge gettin blown by PJ sparks at key west..."
  • Cockroaches
    Billions greeting, roaming around since Genesis
    Coming out through the crevices
    Infested, walls filled with termites..."
  • Underground
    I keep straining my ears to hear a sound
    Maybe someone is digging underground
    Or have they......"
  • S.T.D.
    "I was walking in the park, in the noon
    When I saw her, she was beautiful
    Like a flower in the summer, what a bummer
    I wish I could talk to her, I got my nerve up..."

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