Necro - Violins Of Violence Lyrics

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Artist: Necro
Necro Author
Album: Gory Days (2003)
Necro - Gory Days Album
Song Title: Violins Of Violence
Genre: Easy Listening
Visits: 963
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[Screaming Woman]Go Home

Go Now In Peace

If you do not go now you will be

buried in this field I've seen

enough blood, but if you want more

I can't stop you I can only warn you

that it will be your blood not ours


Evil is annointed get disappointed

guillotine to your spleen you'll get

defeated you can't beat it join it (what?)

death comes in the worst way through satanic

wordplay here's a knife in your spine happy

birthday (bitch) bile lubrication crack vile

rejuvenation subdue my patient pursue cremation

insert a lance in your back through the circumstance

you're dead over your corpse I do a murder dance

I'm on stab you with a shank shift my language is

filled with frankness and anguish you're anxious

greetings to all cretins to those bleeding from

repeated beatings I'm like a snake at eating (ssss)

you down with necro be loyal or get strangled with a

'till you barf what goes around recoils my conversation

disects you like operation my obligation is to kill

nazis with concentration romance aint a slow dance it's

a slut with no pants sucking and holding my dick with

both hands put a gun to your pockets my steeze would

blind the eye piece of a high priest like the sun to

his sockets


Violins of violence will thrive on destruction it's

Necro abduction with Hyde corruption you flirt with

escape of death in the clip 'cause happy endings are

not in the script-x2


I drop english vocab distastefully gracefully with

a machete strapped at my hip I'm in the pace to be

reppin brutality faithfully my religion's sin bash a

pigeon in I'm belligerant peace to all midgets in

america with short ligaments do your thing size don't

mean shit any nigga could win talkin out your ass is

great you'll get drastic hate force you to masticate

a fuckin plastic plate i got your brain through

acquisition now you're on the streets smokin crack on

a mission lookin like an apparition your death is like

angelic the splatterin of your guts makes a beautiful

pattern it's psychadelic kiss your last hundred dollars

bye your wallets mine scream holler cry you've been

disqualified my demented thoughts need to be vented

and sacremented your tendons blended is spendid


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  • Youre Dead
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  • Get On Your Knees
    "";Baby, Baby I'll get down on my knees for you, if you....";
    Motherfucker you know the deal, I'ma rap on this porn shit
    So yo! Suck it
    I lounge gettin blown by PJ sparks at key west..."
  • Cockroaches
    Billions greeting, roaming around since Genesis
    Coming out through the crevices
    Infested, walls filled with termites..."
  • Underground
    I keep straining my ears to hear a sound
    Maybe someone is digging underground
    Or have they......"
  • S.T.D.
    "I was walking in the park, in the noon
    When I saw her, she was beautiful
    Like a flower in the summer, what a bummer
    I wish I could talk to her, I got my nerve up..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Gory Days" album, click "Necro Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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