Necro - World Gone Mad Lyrics

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Artist: Necro
Necro Author
Album: Gory Days (2003)
Necro - Gory Days Album
Song Title: World Gone Mad
Genre: Easy Listening
Visits: 756
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Yo Yo,

Check This,


Leave you stiff like a cat puffin coke and weed in a spliff

Nose broken bleeding, dripped away as they lift you on a stretcher rip

Images of organ incisions gets ya sick

while you puke up what you chewed up, now chew up what you threw up

Left in the morgue, full flesh for a dog,

funeral organs rock a morgue pin C clef to a chord.

You're wheeled away now every day your flesh'll peel away,

sever decay maggot infest rot drag then dropped in a plop forever slayed, slide

you inside the cremation chamber

the system of erasing your existance with the flames of nature

free basin angel dust is danger, euthanasia

methods of death stranger than the sounds of a flanger,

burnt to a carcus i watch the fire sparkle then i deliver your family a parsel

filled with charcoal.

a neurosurgeon you're regurgitating detergent

i urge you to worship your on the verge of becoming a servant,

there's no physical evidence you existed when your ashes get pissed on,

no one remembers A bitch kid, i determine you'll be eaten by vermon, german

cockroaches squirmin through you,

locusts and worms in your skin

We're living in a world gone mad, a crazy world , the world where death is the

way of life, every day we read of atrocities that numb the brain, but i believe

to deny what is insane. or to try to flee from it is to submit to it, to be at

the mercy of it when you should just study it, to enjoy life, chill with me as

we descend into the world gone mad, a world of dying and killing sprees

your dead and youll never come back, you got murdered by a scumbag,

the type that doesnt realize that he's done bad,

hes walkin the streets free while you're six feet deep,

police close the case cuz theres no trace, you're beat.

i'd write a verse on your toe tag, you get suffocated with a bag

over your face, you'll gag with no air ventilated,

i'd rock a mask for the stench of rotting corpses does not smell like a box of


your cadaver is packaged in suitcases and travel baggage

then buried under gravel in secluded places,

i got an appetite for abduction, we kidnap women, torture them, brainwash them

and fuck them.

I'm a carnivore, my teeth are sharp made for rippin flesh like blades to carve

through body parts

We're living in a world gone mad, a crazy world , the world where death is the

way of life, every day we read of atrocities that numb the brain, but i believe

to deny what is insane. or to try to flee from it is to submit to it, to be at

the mercy of it when you should just study it, to enjoy life, chill with me as

we descend into the world gone mad, a world of dying and killing sprees


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  • Youre Dead
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  • Get On Your Knees
    "";Baby, Baby I'll get down on my knees for you, if you....";
    Motherfucker you know the deal, I'ma rap on this porn shit
    So yo! Suck it
    I lounge gettin blown by PJ sparks at key west..."
  • Cockroaches
    Billions greeting, roaming around since Genesis
    Coming out through the crevices
    Infested, walls filled with termites..."
  • Underground
    I keep straining my ears to hear a sound
    Maybe someone is digging underground
    Or have they......"
  • S.T.D.
    "I was walking in the park, in the noon
    When I saw her, she was beautiful
    Like a flower in the summer, what a bummer
    I wish I could talk to her, I got my nerve up..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Gory Days" album, click "Necro Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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