Necromantia - Spiritdance Lyrics

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Artist: Necromantia
Necromantia Author
Album: Scarlet Evil Witching Black (1995)
Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black Album
Song Title: Spiritdance
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 620
Print Version

I travelled through the eyes of the Necroscope
Into the realm where marble tombs lay open
Where Death and Decay hold their thrones
And sorrow chants her funeral song
A weird sweet music fills the air
As shadow forms gather in circles
And it is nighttime, so cold, so dark
When spirits start their dance macabre
Ghostly dancers whirling around
Their lips move in silence
And there is death in their eyes
A young couple waltzes among the gravestones
(holding goblets of silver in their hands)
Together they drink as the music plays on
Together they die poisoned by their own hands
Beside a grey mausoleum
Two duellists fence with etherial blades
And as the sword pierces the heart
A misty veil enshrouds them both
A man whose faithless wife betrayed his love
Slays the unwary lovers onto their bed of lust
As a poet of unsound mind ends his damned being
Giving his life for the glory of the black art
Centuries of spectral agony and pain
Performed like a drama before my eyes
In the first light of day the spirits disappear
In a haze of ghostly mist shimmer away
Until the next time they replay their deaths

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Other Necromantia song Lyrics
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    Hiding your wisdom from fool..."
  • The Feast Of Ghouls
    "My reign beneath the graveyard my
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    My shape's a living fear my eyes..."
  • Faceless Gods
    "Far away deep, in the deserted lands
    Black cities rise, as monuments of hate
    The crypts who hide the Ancient ones
    Sources of Malice beyond the 7th gate..."
  • La Mort
    "Death has tasted blood
    in the cabaret of three coffins
    Death put down on the counter,
    a black crown..."
  • The Vampire Lord Speaks
    "I am the one who is of the night
    I am the one whose breed is of the Dragon
    I am the one whose song is of the wolf
    I am the one whose life is of your Blood..."
  • The Warlock
    "Hundreds of years have passed
    I've lived in twilight times
    And survived the frozen nights
    When the earth was new..."
  • Les Litanies De Satan
    "NOTE> These are the actual lyrics to the song "Les Litanies De Satan".
    NOTE> The lines between brackets are only whispered, not spoken or sung
    NOTE> outloud.
    O thou, of Angels loveliest, most wise,..."
  • Tribes Of The Moon
    "A tempting blaze
    That tears body and soul apart
    Spellbound daughters
    Devouring the hearts of men..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Scarlet Evil Witching Black" album, click "Necromantia Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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