Necromantia - The Warlock Lyrics

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Artist: Necromantia
Necromantia Author
Album: Crossing The Fiery Path (1993)
Necromantia - Crossing The Fiery Path Album
Song Title: The Warlock
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 633
Print Version

Hundreds of years have passed
(since) I've been baptised in blood
I've lived in twilight times
And survived the frozen nights
When the earth was new
And nature was pure
When the gods were strong
And Nanna was bright and full
My eyes have grown old, and my hairs are now white
But my wisdom is boundless and my soul is black

DE VERMIS MYSTERIES (Forbidden books, unholy thoughts)

I've talked to the dead
And the creatures of the Night
On magical dates
When the thesis of the planets was right
We gather in the woods
For the great Sabbath
Witches chant, blaphemous spells of wrath
Demons and werewolves, dance by the fires of sin
The woods echo with the virgin's scream
I make love with Babylon's whore
As Satan watches pleased from his throne of gore
I'm the priest of the great Tiamat
And my sins are countless, crimes of lust

The true shape of the Dragon was revealed to me
She granted my soul with immortality
Voice of weakness tells me, "you were wrong"
A King of darkness, facing his dawn
Eternal damnation, threatens my soul
As death drawing near on my powers I call

Time has decayed my body
But my will remains the same
So I'll scream the ultimate spell
And power flows again in my empty shell

Death to all that deceived me
Eternal hate to all that tricked me
Fear and pain to all that hurt me
May they suffer in the flames of Damnation forever

( The gathering )
( The ritual )
( The coming

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  • La Mort
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  • The Vampire Lord Speaks
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    I am the one whose song is of the wolf
    I am the one whose life is of your Blood..."
  • Les Litanies De Satan
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    NOTE> The lines between brackets are only whispered, not spoken or sung
    NOTE> outloud.
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    Devouring the hearts of men..."
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    A mesmerizing whisper
    I once heard in a dream
    And blood painted my dream scarlet..."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Crossing The Fiery Path" album, click "Necromantia Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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