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Backstage Pass Song Lyrics
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Other Negativland song Lyrics | Freedoms Waiting "Our fathers which heart in heaven We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight the hills, we shall never surrender. Give me liberty. Give me liberty, or give me death. The strongest word..." | Only A Sample "Not that I have anything against shoe salesmen, but let me tell you something See, I was born with a song in my heart, not a shoe. Hello, Dead-Dog records. If it ain't a Dead-Dog, it ain't barking...." | Drink It Up "Clowns and ballerinas here and there, Clowns and ballerinas ervywhere, Lollipops here, lollipops there, Candy canes all over here,..." | Happy Hero "If I got shot I bet the press would pick it up You'd like me all a lot If I got beat..." | A Big 10 8 Place Part One "HUUH! HUUH! HUUH! ....Now go to sleep Tommy. Tommy? The first thing that happens is that the bone splinters...." | A Big 10 8 Place Part Two "Okay. We're 10-8. And the number is 180 and the letter is G. There is no other possibility. And all you slimy fruitcakes in San Francisco are going to learn how to get to 180 and the letter G. I repeat, there is no other possibility. There is no other possib--..." | A Big 10 8 Place "HUUH! HUUH! HUUH! ....Now go to sleep Tommy. Tommy? The first thing that happens is that the bone splinters...." | A Big 10-8 Place (Part One) "HUUH! HUUH! HUUH! ....Now go to sleep Tommy. Tommy? The first thing that happens is that the bone splinters...." | |
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